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GitHub / moltin/js-sdk committers
Last synced: 21 days ago
Total Commits: 741
Total Committers: 63
Total Bot Commits: 39
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 11.762
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.85
Total Committers: 63
Total Bot Commits: 39
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 11.762
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.85
Commits in the past year: 57
Committers in the past year: 10
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 5.7
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.667
Committers in the past year: 10
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 5.7
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.667
More repo stats:
Name | Commits | |
jHoldroyd | j****e@m****n | 111 |
Rostyk | 3****y | 64 |
Jonathan Steele | y****j | 59 |
Dubno Petro | 3****7 | 53 |
renovate[bot] 🤖 | 2****] | 39 |
Georgios Botzakis | 4****s | 33 |
Yasaman Loghmani | 7****i | 31 |
Robert Field | r****d@q****m | 31 |
Sam Blacklock | s****k | 28 |
yasamanloghman | 1****n | 25 |
Denys Butynskyy | 3****n | 22 |
dushan | 7****p | 21 |
dr-ep | d****t@g****m | 20 |
sarawasim1 | 1****1 | 19 |
Renovate Bot | b****t@r****m | 18 |
mwan-ep | 5****p | 18 |
Jamie Barton | h****i@j****k | 17 |
RyanKirby89 | 5****9 | 11 |
Israel Sotomayor | z****4 | 10 |
mahsaelasticpath | 7****h | 9 |
cheeryfella | t****r@g****m | 7 |
razkevich | r****8@g****m | 7 |
Jonathan Steele | j****n@s****o | 7 |
Gausie | g****t@g****e | 6 |
outrunthewolf | c****s@o****m | 5 |
Shaun Maharaj | 3****j | 5 |
Sam Blacklock | s****k@e****m | 5 |
Adam Sturrock | a****m@m****n | 4 |
Yulia Dnistrian | y****t@g****m | 4 |
Craig Tweedy | a****y@c****k | 4 |
Jamie Barton | j****e@n****v | 3 |
long-wan-ep | 5****p | 3 |
Zoltán Takács | 8****n | 2 |
Rishi Mohan | 1****a | 2 |
Richard Scarrott | r****t@g****m | 2 |
Kashyap Prajapati | 6****u | 2 |
Ignacio Miranda | 3****a | 2 |
Dusan Radovanovic | 4****c | 2 |
Ben Hayward | 3****d | 2 |
Adam Grohs | a****s | 2 |
yurii-khovzun | 6****n | 2 |
Sebin vincent | h****t@g****m | 2 |
Szymon Soltysiak | s****k@g****m | 2 |
Bart Nagel | b****t@t****t | 1 |
Carl Markham | c****m@e****m | 1 |
Colin Fitz-Maurice | c****n@f****m | 1 |
David Hargitai | d****d@l****u | 1 |
Dusan Radovanovic | d****c@e****m | 1 |
George FitzGibbons | g****8@g****m | 1 |
Israel Sotomayor | s****4@g****m | 1 |
Matthew Kosoy | m****y@g****m | 1 |
Mitchell Butler | m****r@g****m | 1 |
Sam Blacklock | s****k@m****m | 1 |
psin32 | p****h@o****m | 1 |
Alexander Fedulin | 1****d | 1 |
David Stover | 5****n | 1 |
Gaëtan Cottrez | 4****z | 1 |
ParvezA | 6****s | 1 |
Yury Mikhailenko | 6****o | 1 |
gauravtripathi1 | 7****1 | 1 |
ismatullaevashakhzoda | 1****a | 1 |
suhaotian | s****n | 1 |
thedrewid | t****d | 1 |
Excludes empty and merge commits.
Name | Commits | |
Rostyk | 3****y | 19 |
Georgios Botzakis | 4****s | 10 |
Dubno Petro | 3****7 | 8 |
yasamanloghman | 1****n | 8 |
sarawasim1 | 1****1 | 6 |
Sam Blacklock | s****k | 2 |
Robert Field | r****d@q****m | 1 |
dushan | 7****p | 1 |
gauravtripathi1 | 7****1 | 1 |
mahsaelasticpath | 7****h | 1 |
Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.