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GitHub / himself65/LlamaIndexTS committers

Last synced: 9 days ago

Total Commits: 836
Total Committers: 43
Total Bot Commits: 11
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 19.442
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.656
Commits in the past year: 524
Committers in the past year: 35
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 14.971
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.599

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Yi Ding y****g@g****m 288
Marcus Schiesser m****l@m****e 211
Elliot Kang k****7@g****m 55
Alex Yang h****5@o****m 46
Logan Markewich l****h@l****m 44
Sourabh Desai s****i@g****m 28
thucpn t****2@g****m 15
TomPenguin t****o@g****m 13
Thuc Pham 5****n 12
swk777 s****7@g****m 12
Michael Tutty m****y@g****m 12
sweep-ai[bot] πŸ€– 1****] 11
Emanuel Ferreira c****s@g****m 11
Simon Suo s****o@g****m 10
Laurie Voss g****b@s****m 9
Mike Fortman m****n@d****m 6
Huu Le (Lee) 3****j 6
Jerry Liu j****8@g****m 5
Abdul Jamjoom a****m@g****m 5
Pierre p****e@p****o 4
Turbobot t****t@v****m 3
Chris Maddox t****7@g****m 3
noble-varghese n****6@g****m 3
Niels Swimberghe 3****r 3
yoshiaki-yamada y****a@c****m 2
Louis de Courcel e****n@g****m 2
AndrΓ©s F h****o@a****o 1
Aziz Khoury b****l@g****m 1
jess-render 1****r 1
avb-is-me 1****e 1
Nir Gazit n****a 1
Nikolai Lehbrink 3****k 1
Motoki saito s****1 1
Ian Sinnott 3****t 1
Gabriel Almeida g****a@m****m 1
Jayanta Samaddar j****a@z****e 1
Kevin Lu k****8@g****m 1
Owen Craston o****2@g****m 1
Parham Saidi p****m@p****e 1
Tyrone Avnit t****l@g****m 1
V4N a****e@y****o 1
fatdoge 7****1@q****m 1
hiepxanh h****h@g****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Marcus Schiesser m****l@m****e 210
yisding y****g@g****m 99
Elliot Kang k****7@g****m 55
Alex Yang h****5@o****m 46
thucpn t****2@g****m 15
Thuc Pham 5****n 12
Michael Tutty m****y@g****m 12
Emanuel Ferreira c****s@g****m 11
Laurie Voss g****b@s****m 9
Huu Le (Lee) 3****j 6
Mike Fortman m****n@d****m 6
TomPenguin t****o@g****m 5
Simon Suo s****o@g****m 5
Pierre p****e@p****o 4
Logan Markewich l****h@l****m 4
noble-varghese n****6@g****m 3
Niels Swimberghe 3****r 3
Louis de Courcel e****n@g****m 2
Aziz Khoury b****l@g****m 1
Gabriel Almeida g****a@m****m 1
jess-render 1****r 1
avb-is-me 1****e 1
Nir Gazit n****a 1
Nikolai Lehbrink 3****k 1
Motoki saito s****1 1
Ian Sinnott 3****t 1
Jayanta Samaddar j****a@z****e 1
Jerry Liu j****8@g****m 1
Kevin Lu k****8@g****m 1
Owen Craston o****2@g****m 1
Parham Saidi p****m@p****e 1
Tyrone Avnit t****l@g****m 1
V4N a****e@y****o 1
fatdoge 7****1@q****m 1
hiepxanh h****h@g****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.