An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects.
GitHub / eXist-db/eXide committers
Last synced: 6 days ago
Total Commits: 1,027
Total Committers: 31
Total Bot Commits: 123
Total Bot Committers: 2
Avg Commits per committer: 33.129
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.468
Total Committers: 31
Total Bot Commits: 123
Total Bot Committers: 2
Avg Commits per committer: 33.129
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.468
Commits in the past year: 9
Committers in the past year: 3
Bot Commits in the past year: 3
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 3.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.556
Committers in the past year: 3
Bot Commits in the past year: 3
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 3.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.556
More repo stats:
Name | Commits | |
Wolfgang Meier | w****m@g****m | 546 |
Joe Wicentowski | j****z@g****m | 144 |
dependabot[bot] 🤖 | 4****] | 101 |
marmoure | t****y@g****m | 55 |
Wolfgang Meier | w****g@e****m | 27 |
dependabot-preview[bot] 🤖 | 2****] | 22 |
christophe-g | c****r@g****m | 22 |
Juri Leino | g****b@l****e | 21 |
duncdrum | d****n@m****m | 17 |
Leif-Jöran Olsson | l****o@f****g | 15 |
Adam Retter | a****r@g****m | 14 |
Wolfgang Meier | w****g@e****g | 5 |
Duncan Paterson | d****m | 4 |
Alexandra von Criegern | p****k@g****t | 4 |
Dario Kampkaspar | d****r@o****t | 4 |
Jens Østergaard Petersen | o****g@g****m | 4 |
gmella | g****a@o****r | 2 |
Wouter Hager | w****r@g****m | 2 |
TeddyBoomer | t****r@y****r | 2 |
Lars Windauer | l****s@e****m | 2 |
Dannes Wessels | d****s@e****g | 2 |
Charafeddine Cheraa | c****a@g****m | 2 |
Ashley M. Clark | a****2@g****m | 2 |
Callum McCrorie | c****m@e****m | 1 |
JoernT | j****r@b****e | 1 |
Mathias | g****l@s****e | 1 |
Luca Guariento | l****o | 1 |
Dannes Wessels | d****z | 1 |
Octavian Bujor | o****r@u****t | 1 |
remikoutcherawy | r****y@g****m | 1 |
wstarcev | w****v@g****m | 1 |
Excludes empty and merge commits.
Name | Commits | |
Joe Wicentowski | j****z@g****m | 4 |
dependabot[bot] 🤖 | 4****] | 3 |
Juri Leino | g****b@l****e | 2 |
Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.