
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / ghc/packages/directory committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 2,253
Total Committers: 62
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 36.339
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.342
Commits in the past year: 28
Committers in the past year: 6
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 4.667
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.214

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
simonmar u****n 1483
Phil Ruffwind r****f@r****m 280
Ian Lynagh i****o@e****i 95
Simon Marlow s****r@m****m 92
Ross Paterson r****s@s****k 82
Herbert Valerio Riedel h****r@g****g 35
Simon Marlow m****d@g****m 33
Don Stewart d****s@c****u 30
Ian Lynagh i****n@w****m 11
Ben Gamari b****n@s****g 10
Michael Snoyman m****l@s****m 8
David Terei d****i@g****m 7
Elliot Robinson e****n@a****m 7
Manuel M T Chakravarty c****k@c****u 4
Paolo Capriotti p****i@g****m 4
Peter Simons s****s@c****o 3
Duncan Coutts d****n@h****g 3
Tamar Christina t****r@z****m 3
Josef Svenningsson j****n@g****m 3
Guillaume Bouchard g****d@g****m 3
Pepe Iborra m****h@g****m 2
askeblad 7****d@u****m 2
Ashley Yakeley a****y@s****g 2
Austin Seipp a****n@w****m 2
Simon Jakobi s****i@g****m 2
Marios Titas r****b@g****m 2
Mateusz Kowalczyk f****u@f****k 2
Lemmih l****h@g****m 2
Max Bolingbroke b****r@h****m 2
John Goerzen j****n@c****g 2
Ryan Scott r****t@g****m 2
Samuel Bronson n****n@g****m 2
Sven Panne s****e@a****e 2
Julian Ospald h****l@p****e 2
John Meacham j****n@r****t 2
Ben Gamari b****s@g****m 1
Alec Berryman a****c@t****t 1
Bodigrim a****o@g****m 1
Andriy Palamarchuk a****a@y****m 1
Bertram Felgenhauer i****e@g****e 1
Daniel Gröber d****d@d****g 1
Cheng Shao a****c@g****m 1
Erik de Castro Lopo e****d@m****m 1
Gintautas Miliauskas g****s@g****m 1
Duncan Coutts d****s@w****k 1
Eric Mertens e****s@g****m 1
Hécate Moonlight h****b@g****n 1
Esa Ilari Vuokko e****i@v****o 1
Laurent P. René de Cotret L****C@u****m 1
Simon Hengel s****l@t****t 1
Oleg Grenrus o****s@i****i 1
Neil Davies S****r@g****m 1
Leonid Onokhov s****p@g****m 1
Gracjan Polak g****n@s****m 1
Nils Anders Danielsson n****d@c****e 1
Niklas Hambüchen m****l@n****e 1
Chaitanya Koparkar c****r@g****m 1
Jeffrey Yasskin j****n@g****m 1
Vladislav Zavialov v****6@g****m 1
Thomas Miedema t****a@g****m 1
Troels Henriksen a****s@s****k 1
Chris Schneider c****r@c****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Phil Ruffwind r****f@r****m 22
Ben Gamari b****n@s****g 2
Marios Titas r****b@g****m 1
Bodigrim a****o@g****m 1
Julian Ospald h****l@p****e 1
Hécate Moonlight h****b@g****n 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.