
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / tnl-project/tnl committers

Last synced: 3 days ago

Total Commits: 7,219
Total Committers: 63
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 114.587
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.774
Commits in the past year: 378
Committers in the past year: 24
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 15.75
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.566

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Jakub Klinkovský k****y@m****z 1635
Tomáš Oberhuber o****s@g****m 1578
Tomas Oberhuber t****r@f****z 1357
Jakub Klinkovský k****k@f****z 1309
Lukas Cejka l****k@g****m 257
Xuan Thang Nguyen n****2@f****z 230
hayeuyur h****r@f****z 128
Nina Dzugasova d****a@g****m 106
hanouvit@vz v****k@s****z 103
Tomas Sobotik s****4@f****z 84
Fencl f****t@f****z 46
Libor b****r@s****z 44
Jan Schäfer s****n@f****z 42
Illia Kolesnik k****l@f****z 38
Ondrej Szekely o****y@g****m 36
Jan Bobot b****n@f****z 36
Libor Bakajsa l****a@g****m 34
Daniel Simon m****l@d****z 27
Jakub Klinkovský j****y@f****z 26
Lukas Cejka c****k@f****z 12
Marek Salaba m****0@g****m 8
fencl f****l@g****z 8
Vladimír Klement w****a@p****z 8
Vítězslav Žabka z****v@g****m 4
MaksKatafalk t****k@c****z 4
Libor Bakajsa L****a 4
Daniel Simon s****4@f****z 4
Jakub Klinkovský j****k@g****m 3
Lukáš Čejka c****k@g****z 3
Matěj Novotný m****y@g****m 3
lksrb e****9@g****m 3
Dmitrii M****3@y****u 2
Illia Kolesnik k****l@g****z 2
Illia Kolesnik k****l@g****z 2
Ondřej Székely o****y@g****m 2
Tomas Oberhuber o****r@w****d 2
kiz0r k****0@g****m 2
Tomáš Halada h****s@g****m 2
Radek Cichra c****d@c****z 1
Ondřej Székely o****a@O****l 1
Ondřej Piroutek o****k@g****m 1
Oleh Nosul l****a@g****m 1
Mykyta m****a@m****e 1
Hayeu Yury h****r@m****e 1
Hayeu Yury h****r@M****l 1
Hanousek Vít h****k@s****e 1
GregTheMadMonk y****7@g****m 1
Dmytro Hontariuk d****9@g****m 1
Daniel Simon d****3@g****m 1
Bohdan Borets b****5@g****m 1
Alexandr Krastenov a****k@s****z 1
Артём Ярешко k****t@g****m 1
vaferiiaa l****o@g****m 1
oberhuber o****r@p****z 1
l1n3up i****0@g****m 1
jankasal j****l@t****z 1
hanouvit h****t@l****x 1
hanousek h****k@p****z 1
Vít Novotný l****y@s****z 1
Vít Hanousek h****t@f****z 1
Tomas Oberhuber o****r@a****) 1
Tom j****1@f****z 1
Tadeáš Urban u****d@g****z 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Jakub Klinkovský k****y@m****z 164
Tomas Oberhuber o****s@g****m 130
Jakub Klinkovský j****y@f****z 25
Tomas Oberhuber t****r@f****z 25
Marek Salaba m****0@g****m 8
MaksKatafalk t****k@c****z 4
lksrb e****9@g****m 3
Dmitrii M****3@y****u 2
kiz0r k****0@g****m 2
Alexandr Krastenov a****k@s****z 1
Bohdan Borets b****5@g****m 1
Dmytro Hontariuk d****9@g****m 1
GregTheMadMonk y****7@g****m 1
Mykyta m****a@m****e 1
Oleh Nosul l****a@g****m 1
Ondřej Piroutek o****k@g****m 1
Radek Cichra c****d@c****z 1
Tadeáš Urban u****d@g****z 1
Tomáš Halada h****s@g****m 1
Vít Novotný l****y@s****z 1
jankasal j****l@t****z 1
l1n3up i****0@g****m 1
vaferiiaa l****o@g****m 1
Артём Ярешко k****t@g****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.