
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / tgdp/templates committers

Last synced: 10 days ago

Total Commits: 476
Total Committers: 57
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 8.351
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.849
Commits in the past year: 30
Committers in the past year: 14
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 2.143
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.833

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Loquacity l****y@s****e 72
Cameron Shorter c****r@g****m 49
Cameron Shorter s****m@g****m 48
gayathk k****i@g****m 45
Deanna Thompson d****3@o****m 33
Alyssa Rock a****k@g****m 20
Alyssa Rock 4****s@u****m 19
cwcromwell c****l@g****m 19
Aidan Doherty c****t@a****m 15
Viraji Ogodapola v****i@g****m 14
Alyssa Rock a****k@s****m 13
Aidan Doherty a****n@a****m 9
Shreyas Thirumalai s****i@g****m 9
Ophy Boamah Ampoh o****8@g****m 7
Bolaji Ayodeji s****1@g****m 6
Dishebh Bhayana d****7@g****m 6
Erin McKean e****n@w****m 6
Francesco Lanciana f****a@g****m 6
jahnvi j****1@g****m 6
Bryan Klein (TECi) k****n@t****m 5
Jared Morgan j****n@g****m 5
Jeff Omenyuru j****u@g****m 5
Qian Lu t****e@g****m 5
Dishebh Bhayana 4****h@u****m 4
Tina Lüdtke t****a@k****m 3
Morgan Craft m****9@g****m 3
The Good Docs Project g****t@g****m 3
Christine Belzie s****0@g****m 3
Ane Troger t****a@g****m 2
Clarence Cromwell c****l@g****m 2
Deanna 5****s@u****m 2
Michael Park m****6@g****m 2
Patrick Rachford 6****p@u****m 2
Precious Onyewuchi u****1@g****m 2
Svetlana Novikova s****a@g****m 2
Valeria Hernandez v****z@g****m 2
flicstar f****r@u****m 2
Ian Cowley i****1@g****m 1
Giles Gaskell g****l@s****t 1
Funke Olasupo f****7@g****m 1
Erin McKean e****n@l****m 1
Derek Ardolf S****e@u****m 1
Deanna Thompson d****5@o****m 1
Daniel D. Beck d****k@g****m 1
Arushi Mittal i****l@g****m 1
Ailine Dominey a****y@g****m 1
ACP a****o@g****m 1
netsaml 8****l@u****m 1
mvallance m****e@m****m 1
amaravasquez 1****z@u****m 1
Technicalleigh t****h@g****m 1
Tara Sweeney t****y@g****m 1
Rachel Stainer r****s@g****m 1
Pj Metz m****j@g****m 1
Linda Ikechukwu 3****u@u****m 1
Kayla Morales t****a@g****m 1
Joanne Fung f****e@o****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Alyssa Rock a****k@g****m 5
Bryan Klein (TECi) k****n@t****m 5
Cameron Shorter c****r@g****m 3
Christine Belzie s****0@g****m 3
Ane Troger t****a@g****m 2
Svetlana Novikova s****a@g****m 2
Valeria Hernandez v****z@g****m 2
Tina Luedtke t****a@k****m 2
Ailine Dominey a****y@g****m 1
Bolaji Ayodeji s****1@g****m 1
Ian Cowley i****1@g****m 1
Michael Park m****6@g****m 1
Rachel Stainer r****s@g****m 1
mvallance m****e@m****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.