
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / oauth-xx/oauth2 committers

Last synced: 5 days ago

Total Commits: 992
Total Committers: 146
Total Bot Commits: 29
Total Bot Committers: 3
Avg Commits per committer: 6.795
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.682
Commits in the past year: 5
Committers in the past year: 4
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 1.25
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.6

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Peter Boling p****g@g****m 315
Erik Michaels-Ober s****k@g****m 209
Michael Bleigh m****l@i****m 62
Jeff Moore p****f@m****m 38
Paul Walker g****b@p****v 28
Luke Saunders l****s@g****m 21
Joseph Page j****e@r****r 17
depfu[bot] 🤖 d****]@u****m 16
Bo Jeanes m****e@b****m 12
Stan Hu s****u@g****m 12
depfu[bot] 🤖 2****]@u****m 9
rick t****e@g****m 9
Niels Ganser n****s@h****m 8
Samuel Cochran s****6@s****m 8
Mathias Klippinge m****e@g****m 7
Ellis Berner e****r@g****m 6
Lawrence Oluyede l****e@g****m 5
Motoshi Nishihira s****h@g****m 5
Diego Elio 'Flameeyes' Pettenò f****s@g****m 4
Edward Rudd u****e@o****c 4
Joseph Page j****r@g****m 4
Michael Andrews m****l@s****m 4
depfu[bot] 🤖 b****t@d****m 4
nov matake n****v@m****p 4
An Vo t****n@g****m 4
Adrian Setyadi a****d@y****m 3
Benjamin Quorning b****n@q****t 3
James Pinto t****o@g****m 3
Jeff Moore j****f@m****m 3
Jessie Young j****g@g****m 3
Matthew Rudy Jacobs m****s@g****m 3
Nathan Woodhull w****l@g****m 3
Nathaniel Bibler g****t@n****m 3
Omer Rauchwerger r****y@g****m 3
Paul Walker g****b@p****v 3
Pierre Schambacher p****r@z****m 3
Ville Lautanala l****s@g****m 3
asm__ 6****6@u****m 3
Oleg g****m@g****m 3
Alexander Lang a****x@u****m 2
Benjamin Quorning 2****g@u****m 2
Christoph Petschnig c****g@s****m 2
Daniel Holz d****z@f****m 2
James Daniels j****s@m****m 2
Jay Adkisson j****n@g****m 2
Jeremy Kemper j****y@b****t 2
Josh Kalderimis j****s@g****m 2
Josh Powell j****l@u****m 2
João Paulo j****o@t****m 2
Michael Bleigh m****h@m****m 2
Olivier Lacan h****i@o****m 2
Olle Jonsson o****n@g****m 2
Pavel Rosický p****k@s****z 2
Peter Boling 4****o@u****m 2
Raimondas Valickas r****s@v****m 2
Rainux Luo r****x@g****m 2
Ryan T. Hosford t****d@g****m 2
Saverio Trioni s****i@m****m 2
Stephen Reid s****d@f****m 2
Steven Davidovitz s****z@z****m 2
T S Y****t@g****m 2
Taylor Hedberg t****@t****c 2
Tim Clem t****m@g****m 2
Tim Rogers t****m@g****m 2
Tom Corley t****y@f****m 2
meganemura m****a@u****m 2
tetsuya t****a@u****m 2
Akira Matsuda r****e@d****p 1
Alex Kowalczuk a****k@g****m 1
Alex Kowalczuk a****3@g****m 1
Alexander Lang a****x@u****m 1
Alice-Qiu 6****u@u****m 1
Anders Carling l****e@l****u 1
Julien ITARD j****d@g****m 1
Anton Ilin b****v@u****m 1
Antonio Tapiador del Dujo a****r@d****s 1
Arjun Anand a****4@g****m 1
Bas Vodde b****v@o****m 1
Benjamin Curtis b****s@g****m 1
Bouke van der Bijl i****@b****e 1
Chad Woolley t****n@g****m 1
Cody Cutrer c****y@i****m 1
Damian Janowski d****i@g****m 1
Dan McGregor m****n@u****m 1
Daniel Fockler d****f@m****m 1
Daniël van de Burgt d****t@s****m 1
Dave Stevens d****e@c****m 1
David Christensen d****n@p****m 1
Dorren Chen d****n@g****m 1
Eduardo Gurgel e****o@g****e 1
Elise Wood e****e@h****o 1
Andrew Cantino and Jeff Moore p****f@m****m 1
Emil Kampp e****l@k****e 1
Felipe Zavan f****e@z****e 1
Fran J Martínez m****r@g****m 1
Frank Macreery f****k@m****m 1
Geostellar Developer d****v@s****l 1
Greg Spurrier g****r@g****m 1
Hamed Asghari h****i@g****m 1
Igor Sales i****s@t****m 1
James Wheatley j****s@f****m 1
James wachira j****e@y****m 1
Jan Sandbrink n****e@g****m 1
Jan Zaydowicz j****z@g****m 1
Jason Schulte j****n@e****m 1
Jesse Cotton j****3@g****m 1
Jon Palmer 3****r@u****m 1
Jonathan del Strother j****r@g****m 1
Josh Cheek j****k@g****m 1
Карим Гимадеев d****p@m****u 1
Karl Freeman k****n@g****m 1
Leigh Caplan l****n@o****m 1
Linus Pettersson l****n@g****m 1
Lomey b****y@g****m 1
Manfred Stienstra m****d@f****m 1
Markus Bengts m****s@g****m 1
Max Golovnia m****a@g****m 1
Mike Skalnik m****k@g****m 1
Nicholas Palaniuk n****x@u****m 1
Orien Madgwick _****@o****o 1
Peter Souter p****u@g****m 1
Rick Selby r****k@s****k 1
Ryan Williams r****s@t****m 1
Ryo Takahashi t****i@r****t 1
Simon Gate s****t@b****e 1
Steven Parkes s****s@s****t 1
Thomas Walpole t****e@g****m 1
Elliot Crosby-McCullough e****m@g****m 1
Tom Armitage t****m@i****g 1
Tony Miller m****l@g****m 1
Travis Hunter t****r@b****m 1
Trent Ogren t****2@g****m 1
Victor Costan c****n@g****m 1
Vsevolod Romashov 7****@7****u 1
Wynn Netherland w****d@g****m 1
Yuri S F****i@u****m 1
Yury Velikanau y****u@g****m 1
Zachary Welch z****4@g****m 1
dobon d****n@u****m 1
fossabot b****s@f****o 1
matt swanson s****8@g****m 1
nikz m****e@n****m 1
nov m****u@m****p 1
shota-kuwahara s****a@d****m 1
Érik Escobedo e****k@c****m 1
Tim Habermaas t****s@g****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Peter Boling p****g@g****m 2
Elise Wood e****e@h****o 1
Fran J Martínez m****r@g****m 1
Карим Гимадеев d****p@m****u 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.