
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / nirvati/installer committers

Last synced: 9 days ago

Total Commits: 457
Total Committers: 52
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 8.788
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.464
Commits in the past year: 149
Committers in the past year: 20
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 7.45
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.644

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Floris Bos b****s@j****l 245
Tom Dewey [email protected] t****y@r****m 53
Aaron Dewes a****s@p****m 22
bovirus 1****s@u****m 16
Jofre Faraudo 3****o@u****m 15
David Turner d****r@r****m 14
Nicolas Martignoni n****s@m****t 6
Aaron Dewes a****n@n****g 5
Paul Mucur p****l@g****m 4
Suleyman Poyraz 2****b@u****m 4
Tom Dewey 1****i@u****m 4
oscfdezdz 4****z@u****m 4
volkov v****l@g****m 4
veeck m****k@n****e 3
andrum99 5****9@u****m 3
Vovkiv 5****v@u****m 3
RuffaloVM j****7@d****t 3
Jose Riha j****1@g****m 3
Dave Jones d****s@c****m 3
Aaron Dewes a****s@w****e 3
YuzukiTsuru 7****2@q****m 2
Ruffalo Lavoisier R****r@g****m 2
Andrew Scheller g****b@l****g 2
Ghislain Vaillant g****l@g****m 2
Gordon Hollingworth g****n@r****m 2
OlesyaGerasimenko 5****o@u****m 2
Simon C s****c@l****m 2
Simon 3****c@u****m 2
Andrea Busi a****a@a****t 1
Dmytro Aleksandrov a****n@g****m 1
Eddy-Wallace e****n@g****m 1
Emanuele Goldoni e****i@g****m 1
Ghislain Antony Vaillant g****l@u****m 1
Jonathan (JC) Chen j****c@d****g 1
Kemal Hadimli d****q@u****m 1
Ludwig Nussel l****l@s****e 1
Marcel Petrick m****k@d****m 1
Matt Lamont m****@l****z 1
Michael Zanetti m****i@g****t 1
Onuralp SEZER t****r@f****g 1
Pavel Shliak s****1@y****u 1
Peter Dave Hello h****u@p****g 1
Robin Geuze r****n@r****l 1
Ruffalo Lavoisier r****r@g****m 1
S Murphy s****t@m****e 1
Scott Main s****n@g****m 1
YuzukiTsuru g****t@f****m 1
miharix m****x@g****m 1
okaits o****4@g****m 1
okaits#7534 o****s@o****t 1
qoijjj 1****j@u****m 1
veeck m****l@v****e 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Tom Dewey [email protected] t****y@r****m 53
Floris Bos b****s@j****l 25
Aaron Dewes a****s@p****m 22
David Turner d****r@r****m 14
Aaron Dewes a****n@n****g 5
Tom Dewey 1****i@u****m 4
volkov v****l@g****m 4
Nicolas Martignoni n****s@m****t 3
bovirus 1****s@u****m 3
oscfdezdz 4****z@u****m 3
veeck m****k@n****e 3
Vovkiv 5****v@u****m 2
Andrea Busi a****a@a****t 1
Jonathan (JC) Chen j****c@d****g 1
OlesyaGerasimenko 5****o@u****m 1
Peter Dave Hello h****u@p****g 1
Robin Geuze r****n@r****l 1
Ruffalo Lavoisier r****r@g****m 1
okaits#7534 o****s@o****t 1
qoijjj 1****j@u****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.