
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / gitlab-org/gitlab-markup committers

Last synced: 2 days ago

Total Commits: 413
Total Committers: 80
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 5.163
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.78
Commits in the past year: 0
Committers in the past year: 0
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 0.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.0

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Chris Wanstrath c****s@o****g 91
Garen Torikian g****n@g****m 57
Brandon Keepers b****n@o****g 49
Gabriel Mazetto b****k@g****m 23
Dawa Ometto d****o@p****l 19
Charlie Somerville c****e@c****m 11
Stan Hu s****u@g****m 11
Vicent Marti t****u@g****m 10
Bart Kamphorst b****t@k****m 7
Waldemar Quevedo w****o@g****m 7
Simon Rozet s****n@r****e 6
Takuya Noguchi t****h@g****m 6
rick t****e@g****m 6
Brian Lopez s****z@g****m 4
Bryan Veloso b****n@r****m 4
tekkub t****b@g****m 4
Brandon Keepers b****s@g****m 3
Brett Walker b****r@g****m 3
Coby Chapple c****y@c****m 3
Douwe Maan d****e@g****m 3
Douwe Maan d****e@s****l 3
Jeremy McAnally j****y@g****m 3
Max Smolens m****s@k****m 3
Ryan Tomayko r****o@g****m 3
Shinya Okano s****o@b****p 3
flying-sheep f****p@w****e 3
Ben Burkert b****n@b****m 2
Chad Woolley c****y@g****m 2
Dan Allen d****n@g****m 2
Daniel Farina d****l@h****m 2
Dave Abrahams d****e@b****m 2
Dominic Couture d****e@g****m 2
Gabriel Mazetto g****l@g****m 2
Markus Koller m****r@g****h 2
Michael Jones m****s@g****m 2
Paul Chaignon p****n@g****m 2
Robert Schilling r****g@s****t 2
Rémy Coutable r****y@r****e 2
Stephen Caraher m****x@g****m 2
kakwa c****f@g****m 2
Alejandro Rodríguez a****0@g****m 1
Alex Willmer a****x@m****k 1
Brian Dewey b****y@g****m 1
Dan Allen d****n@r****m 1
David English d****d@o****m 1
Douglas Campos q****x@q****e 1
Garen Torikian g****n@u****m 1
Gasper Zejn z****n@k****g 1
Jakub Jirutka j****b@j****z 1
James Ritchey j****y@g****m 1
Jannis Leidel j****s@l****o 1
Jesse Glick j****k@c****m 1
Joshua Peek j****h@j****m 1
Ken Dreyer k****r@k****m 1
Leandro Lucarella l****a@s****m 1
Markus Koller m****t@s****m 1
Martin Monperrus m****s@u****m 1
Matt Schallert m****t@g****m 1
Matthias Käppler m****r@g****m 1
Michael Henriksen m****n@g****m 1
Miles Gould m****s@a****k 1
Neven Sajko n****o@g****m 1
Nic Ferrier n****r@f****k 1
Philip Liberato p****o@g****m 1
Ricardo Signes r****s@c****g 1
Rimero Solutions i****m@r****m 1
Sam Whited s****m@s****m 1
Samuel Bronson n****n@g****m 1
Scott Chacon s****n@g****m 1
Ted Nyman t****d@t****o 1
Tyler Chung z****o@g****m 1
Vicent Martí v****t@g****m 1
Yossef Mendelssohn y****l@p****m 1
Yusuke Matsubara w****m@w****g 1
felixphew f****w@u****m 1
george2 g****2@u****m 1
himynameismartin h****n@g****m 1
masarakki m****i@h****t 1
minad d****r@w****e 1
richo r****o@p****t 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

This repository has not had any commits in the past year. Excludes empty and merge commits.