
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / alpine/apk-tools committers

Last synced: 12 months ago

Total Commits: 1,535
Total Committers: 61
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 25.164
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.311
Commits in the past year: 64
Committers in the past year: 7
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 9.143
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.156

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Timo Teräs t****s@i****i 1057
Natanael Copa n****a@a****g 192
Ariadne Conill a****e@d****g 92
Drew DeVault s****r@c****m 29
Jakub Jirutka j****b@j****z 27
Rasmus Thomsen o****s@c****v 13
Daniel Kolesa d****l@o****g 11
Fredrik Gustafsson f****u@a****m 8
Paul Spooren m****l@a****g 8
A. Wilcox A****x@W****m 7
Dubiousjim d****m@g****m 6
Reid Rankin r****n@g****m 6
Sören Tempel s****t@s****t 5
Daniel Golle d****l@m****g 4
Henrik Riomar h****r@g****m 4
Kevin Daudt k****t@a****g 4
Dmitry Golovin d****a@g****n 3
Alex Dowad a****g@g****m 3
Kaarle Ritvanen k****n@d****i 3
Alex Denes c****d@r****u 3
TBK t****k@j****u 3
thibault.ferrante t****e@g****m 3
Alex Xu (Hello71) a****u@y****a 2
Cameron Banta c****a@g****m 2
Nils Andreas Svee m****e@l****t 2
Pierre Carrier p****e@g****r 2
Rodrigo Lourenço r****l@r****o 2
Alexander Wauck w****a@i****t 1
Antoine Fontaine a****e@e****h 1
Ian Douglas Scott i****n@i****m 1
Avi Halachmi (:avih) a****t@y****m 1
Matthew McGill m****l@g****m 1
Breno Leitao b****o@g****m 1
Conny Seifert c****n@t****m 1
Bobby Bingham k****i@k****o 1
Edan Bedrik 3****3@g****m 1
Ariadne Conill a****e@t****s 1
Elly Fong-Jones e****y@e****n 1
Damiano Albani d****i@g****m 1
Olliver Schinagl o****r@s****l 1
Jussi Kukkonen j****n@c****i 1
Oliver Smith o****d@p****g 1
Samanta Navarro f****z@r****t 1
Martin Vahlensieck g****t@a****h 1
Shiz h****i@s****e 1
Felix Yan f****s@a****g 1
Elan Ruusamäe g****n@d****e 1
Tuan M. Hoang t****g@f****g 1
Max Rees m****s@m****m 1
nrybowski n****i@s****e 1
Thiago Perrotta t****a@g****m 1
root r****t@p****t 1
Mike Detwiler d****t@s****o 1
Rosen Penev r****p@g****m 1
Jan Hendrik Farr g****t@j****c 1
readerreader h****p@i****o 1
Robert Hencke r****e@g****m 1
ptrcnull g****t@p****e 1
kpcyrd g****t@r****c 1
q66 q****6@c****g 1
Jesse Young j****o@j****g 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Timo Teräs t****s@i****i 54
Daniel Kolesa d****l@o****g 5
Ariadne Conill a****e@d****g 1
Elly Fong-Jones e****y@e****n 1
Felix Yan f****s@a****g 1
Jakub Jirutka j****b@j****z 1
q66 q****6@c****g 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.