
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / acs/public/villas/node committers

Last synced: about 14 hours ago

Total Commits: 5,954
Total Committers: 39
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 152.667
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.494
Commits in the past year: 703
Committers in the past year: 13
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 54.077
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.418

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Steffen Vogel p****t@s****e 3010
Steffen Vogel s****l@e****e 1449
Niklas Eiling n****g@e****e 266
Manuel Pitz m****z@e****e 242
Daniel Krebs g****b@d****t 223
Dennis Potter d****s@d****u 169
Steffen Vogel s****l@o****m 137
Philipp Jungkamp P****p@o****m 98
Georg Reinke g****e@r****e 72
Pascal Bauer p****r@r****e 59
Sonja Happ s****p@e****e 48
Philipp Jungkamp p****p@r****e 37
Marvin Klimke m****e@r****e 30
Sonja Kolen s****n@e****e 18
Umar Farooq u****q@e****e 15
Steffen Vogel s****2@e****e 12
Philipp Jungkamp p****p@g****m 11
Hatim Kanchwala h****m@h****e 9
Marija Stevic m****c@e****e 6
Divya Laxetti d****i@r****e 5
Iris Köster i****r@e****e 4
Juan Pablo Noreña-Monsalve j****m@u****o 4
Divya Laxetti l****a@g****m 3
Felix Wege f****e@e****e 3
Philipp Jungkamp p****p@g****t 3
Steffen Vogel s****l@r****e 3
Anju a****i@g****m 2
Divya Laxetti d****i@1****e 2
Juan Pablo Noreña-Monsalve 3****m@u****m 2
Markus Mirz m****z@e****e 2
Philipp Jungkamp 5****p@u****m 2
Eyke Liegmann e****n@e****e 1
IgnoreWarnings 1****s@u****m 1
Iris Köster I****r@e****e 1
Jonas Schroeder j****1@r****e 1
Markus Grigull w****b@g****e 1
Niklas Eiling n****g@r****e 1
Ubuntu u****u@j****e 1
root s****a@a****a 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Steffen Vogel p****t@s****e 409
Niklas Eiling n****g@e****e 164
Steffen Vogel s****l@o****m 48
Philipp Jungkamp P****p@o****m 24
Pascal Bauer p****r@r****e 24
Manuel Pitz m****z@e****e 10
Steffen Vogel s****l@e****e 10
Sonja Happ s****p@e****e 6
Philipp Jungkamp p****p@g****t 3
Hatim Kanchwala h****m@h****e 2
IgnoreWarnings 1****s@u****m 1
Jonas Schroeder j****1@r****e 1
root s****a@a****a 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.