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GitHub / wintercms/wn-pages-plugin committers

Last synced: about 8 hours ago

Total Commits: 427
Total Committers: 82
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 5.207
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.649
Commits in the past year: 10
Committers in the past year: 5
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 2.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.5

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Samuel Georges s****m@d****m 150
alekseybobkov a****v@g****m 33
Ben Thomson g****t@a****m 30
Luke Towers l****e@l****a 29
Marc Jauvin m****n@g****m 18
Luke Towers g****b@l****a 17
Jack Wilkinson m****e@j****m 13
Jim Cottrell j****m@a****m 9
Szabó Gergő g****5@g****m 8
Pavel s****e 7
kamel c****i@g****m 4
Jan Vince j****n@v****z 4
Jérémy GAULIN j****y@b****e 4
Robert Alexa m****l@r****e 4
fverpoest f****t@m****m 4
Alwin Drenth a****n@v****l 3
Damien MATHIEU c****t@h****r 3
Luke Towers g****t@l****a 3
Pásztor Gábor g****7@g****m 3
krisawzm k****h@g****m 3
Mahmut Namli m****i@g****m 3
Nicola Marini m****a 3
Félix Desjardins F****X 3
Anže Časar a****r 3
datune h****j@g****m 2
Vojta Svoboda v****z@g****m 2
Nikon d****1@i****m 2
Sajjad s****o@g****m 2
merodeador m****r 2
der_On d****n 2
Eric Pfeiffer 6****l 2
Blaž Oražem b****z@o****i 2
Jonathan Rawlins j****n@p****k 1
Julian Gums j****n@t****m 1
Karl Bowden k****l@k****m 1
Leonardo Shinagawa l****o@e****m 1
Matiss Janis Aboltins m****s@m****v 1
Sajjad Servatjoo s****r 1
Pásztor Gábor g****7 1
Miro Rauhala m****a 1
Michał Kleszczyński M****e 1
Marek Závacký 5****t 1
hybridvision h****n 1
Willouch 1****h 1
WebVPF 6****F 1
Wadeck Follonier W****k 1
Vlad Barinov v****v 1
Jeremy Mouton j****n 1
Christophe Vuagniaux C****x 1
Michał Otfinwoski o****i@s****l 1
Patrick Ward p****k@p****m 1
Pete Halverson p****e@a****m 1
Pierre-André Vullioud p****a@i****h 1
QuangTrọngOnline q****e@g****m 1
Rike-cz d****v@x****z 1
Romain 'Maz' BILLOIR r****b@o****r 1
webmaxx w****x@w****e 1
Gitai i****@g****e 1
Eugene Strelkov e****g@p****m 1
Carl-Michael Thunström m****e@c****e 1
Blaž Cigale b****e@g****m 1
Anderson Carlos Woss w****s@a****r 1
Alexander Guth a****r@f****m 1
HOOP Mediaclinic i****o@h****i 1
Sebastiaan Kloos s****s@h****m 1
Stanislav Gurnik s****k@S****l 1
Tobias Kündig t****g@o****h 1
Tobias Kündig t****s@o****s 1
Tomasz Strojny t****z@i****z 1
Tomasz Strojny t****z@t****l 1
Vladimir Shepel w****l@g****m 1
Web-VPF p****b@y****u 1
Yurii b****y@g****m 1
devfake d****s@g****m 1
dudez m****a@g****m 1
gviabcua g****a@g****m 1
jBOKA j****r@g****m 1
jtherczeg j****g 1
progowski p****6@w****l 1
Jeroen Noten j****n@m****m 1
Jiri Zarsky j****y@c****z 1
Joel E. Svensson j****3@h****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Luke Towers l****e@l****a 5
der_On d****n 2
gviabcua g****a@g****m 1
Eric Pfeiffer 6****l 1
Willouch 1****h 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.