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GitHub / twisted/txmongo committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 559
Total Committers: 51
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 10.961
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.642
Commits in the past year: 49
Committers in the past year: 2
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 24.5
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.143

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Ilya Skriblovsky I****y@g****m 200
Bret Curtis p****a@g****m 91
Alexandre Fiori f****x@g****m 75
Christian Hergert c****s@d****m 36
Emmanuel Leblond e****d@g****m 14
Ilya Skriblovsky i****y@g****m 14
Trenton Broughton t****n@d****m 10
renzo r****o@h****t 10
Duncan McGreggor d****n@d****m 9
Duncan McGreggor d****r@r****m 8
Christian Hergert c****n@c****m 7
HawkOwl h****l@a****t 7
Renzo Sanchez-Silva r****o@s****u 6
Trenton Broughton t****n@k****m 6
shylent s****t@g****b 6
Tru Pheenix t****x@g****m 4
Tryggvi Bjorgvinsson t****n@o****g 4
Alexey Palazhchenko a****o@q****m 3
Andre Ferraz d****z@t****r 3
Carl D'Halluin c****l@a****m 3
Carlos Pérez-Aradros Herce c****z@z****m 3
flanked n****n@g****m 2
Gareth Bult o****z@l****k 2
Viraj Kanwade v****e@s****m 2
Alexey Palazhchenko a****o@g****m 2
Alexandr N. Zamaraev t****t@g****m 2
Alexandre Fiori a****i@s****m 2
Anderson Ferraz c****o@j****r 2
dynamikdev p****e@g****m 2
Toby Padilla t****a@g****m 2
christian Hergert c****n@h****e 2
Silas Sewell s****s@s****h 1
Jonathan Stoppani g****x@m****n 1
Luda Lukashevskaya l****e@u****t 1
Dave Peticolas d****e@k****m 1
Andreas Schobel a****l@g****m 1
Hung-I Wang w****e@g****m 1
Nikita Kharlov n****v@p****m 1
Evert Carton e****t@l****o 1
Stiletto b****x@b****u 1
noobie c****d@g****m 1
Tim Gates t****s@i****m 1
Bret Curtis b****s@h****m 1
Vsevolod Lobko s****a@s****g 1
xsren b****s@g****m 1
Runar Petursson g****r@g****m 1
Matteo Brancaleoni m****i@v****t 1
beevek b****k@g****m 1
Silas Sewell s****s@s****m 1
unknown N****e@.****) 1
Steven Karas s****n@c****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Bret Curtis p****a@g****m 42
Ilya Skriblovsky i****y@g****m 7

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.