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GitHub / saxix/django-adminactions committers

Last synced: over 1 year ago

Total Commits: 597
Total Committers: 55
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 10.855
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.308

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
sax s****o@g****m 413
Serhiy Zahoriya s****t@g****m 19
Petr Dlouhý p****y@e****z 17
drikc c****t@g****m 15
CI c****i@o****g 13
Domenico d****a@g****m 12
Rick van Hattem W****h@w****h 11
sax s****x@h****l 10
Pavel Savchenko p****l@m****m 10
Nicolas Delaby n****s@n****e 6
tdruez t****z@g****m 5
Roman Danilov r****n@m****m 5
Łukasz Burdzy l****y@i****l 5
Paolo Melchiorre p****e@m****t 3
Radu Voicilas r****s@g****m 3
yuxabc y****x@a****m 2
viatoriche v****r@v****g 2
hanfeisun a****5@g****m 2
The Gitter Badger b****r@g****m 2
Alexander Sapronov s****2@g****m 2
Mitchell Kotler m****h@m****t 2
Uri Zolotko u****i@q****i 2
saxix s****x@o****g 2
matteo.cafarotti m****i@g****m 2
mitchelljkotler m****h@m****m 2
Florian Mayer F****r@d****u 1
Bertrand Bordage b****d@g****m 1
Bastien Vallet b****t@c****m 1
Aristide l****g@u****m 1
Alexey a****@t****v 1
Emmanuel Lodovice e****l@n****o 1
Illia Volochii i****i@g****m 1
BoscoMW b****a@g****m 1
John Franey j****y@g****m 1
Joel Ryan j****l@i****m 1
Jose j****e@a****s 1
John Vandenberg j****b@g****m 1
Ken Lewerentz k****r@g****m 1
James Thompson j****t@l****t 1
Kevin Tran h****n@g****m 1
Nikita Sobolev m****l@s****e 1
Paul Vecchio v****p@g****m 1
Olivier o****g@g****m 1
Rafael Pivato r****l@p****o 1
Peter Baumgartner p****e@l****m 1
Petr Kůdela p****4@s****z 1
Narsil n****y@s****r 1
buzzi b****r@g****m 1
xangmuve c****l@j****i 1
ohad o****d@l****n 1
Simon Maillard s****n@o****r 1
mrc75 m****i@g****m 1
tomd t****d@i****t 1
Tim Gates t****s@i****m 1
Marco Cellarosi m****o@p****) 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

This repository has not had the past years commits calculated yet. This may take a few minutes.