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GitHub / porsager/postgres committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 495
Total Committers: 48
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 10.313
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.174
Commits in the past year: 121
Committers in the past year: 24
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 5.042
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.355

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Rasmus Porsager r****s@p****m 409
Karl Horky k****y@g****m 9
Minigugus 4****s@u****m 9
Victor Ejike Nwosu e****3@y****m 6
Bas van Zanten m****e@b****m 4
Sergii Stotskyi s****y@g****m 4
Abdulrahman Salah 6****s@u****m 3
Ian Bytchek 1****y@u****m 3
James Forbes j****s@g****m 3
Matthew Little z****x@g****m 2
Dan Dascalescu d****b@g****m 2
Dido (Christoph Poelt) c****t@v****m 2
Tim Davis c****t@t****s 2
Rafael Cárdenas r****l@r****m 2
Alexander Tesfamichael a****l@g****m 2
0xflotus 0****s@g****m 1
Abdellah Alaoui Solaimani a****h@g****m 1
Baoshan Sheng s****g@i****g 1
ChristophP C****P@u****m 1
David Pesta d****a@g****m 1
Dirk de Visser g****b@d****l 1
Eliya Cohen c****2@g****m 1
Emil Bay g****b@t****k 1
Priyam r****m@o****m 1
Priyam p****9@g****m 1
Gal Niv g****v@g****m 1
João Paulo 6****c@u****m 1
João Vieira j****o@v****t 1
Lars-Magnus Skog r****a@r****t 1
Luís Leite o****i@l****z 1
Marc Bachmann m****n@g****m 1
Mickey Burks b****k@g****m 1
Paulo Vieira p****a@g****m 1
Regan Iwadha r****a@p****m 1
Petri Lehtinen p****i@d****g 1
Sanyam Jain x****m@g****m 1
Shafkathullah Ihsan s****8@g****m 1
Pier Bover p****1@g****m 1
Victor Ejike Nwosu 7****b@u****m 1
e3dio 8****o@u****m 1
Eugene e****7@g****m 1
Stephen Herring s****g@m****t 1
Shishi | Shinka s****i@s****k 1
Victor Nava v****w@g****m 1
Eric Robinson e****c@s****m 1
dilan-dio4 5****4@u****m 1
augustkimo 7****o@u****m 1
tarantoj-intrepid 5****d@u****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Rasmus Porsager r****s@p****m 78
Minigugus 4****s@u****m 6
Victor Ejike Nwosu e****3@y****m 6
Bas van Zanten m****e@b****m 4
Abdulrahman Salah 6****s@u****m 3
Karl Horky k****y@g****m 2
Dido (Christoph Poelt) c****t@v****m 2
Rafael Cárdenas r****l@r****m 2
Matthew Little z****x@g****m 2
Tim Davis c****t@t****s 2
Shishi | Shinka s****i@s****k 1
Dirk de Visser g****b@d****l 1
Baoshan Sheng s****g@i****g 1
Pier Bover p****1@g****m 1
David Pesta d****a@g****m 1
James Forbes j****s@g****m 1
Victor Nava v****w@g****m 1
Sanyam Jain x****m@g****m 1
e3dio 8****o@u****m 1
tarantoj-intrepid 5****d@u****m 1
Eliya Cohen c****2@g****m 1
Stephen Herring s****g@m****t 1
Victor Ejike Nwosu 7****b@u****m 1
ChristophP C****P@u****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.