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GitHub / po-ui/po-angular committers

Last synced: over 1 year ago

Total Commits: 1,221
Total Committers: 79
Total Bot Commits: 1
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 15.456
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.824
Commits in the past year: 316
Committers in the past year: 25
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 12.64
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.766

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
jhonyeduardo j****6@g****m 215
jcorrea97 j****1@g****m 135
alinelariguet a****a@g****m 135
Bruno Romeiro b****o@g****m 111
Samir Ayoub 1****r@g****m 69
jribeiroo n****0@o****m 63
Rafael Lourenço Marques r****o@t****r 61
Jhosef Marks de Carvalho j****f@g****m 56
Nicole Oliveira n****5@g****m 56
Alvaro Camillo Neto a****o@g****m 56
Wanderley Santos Teixeira w****a@y****r 31
Samir Hassan Ayoub s****b@S****l 29
Alvaro Camillo Neto a****o@t****r 19
mateusjmaf m****f@g****m 19
Gustavo-Gomes g****s@t****m 17
gabrielibarbosa i****a@g****m 16
Samir Hassan Ayoub s****b@S****l 8
guilherme.noronha g****a@t****r 8
Rogerio Fialho r****d@g****m 6
Mateus Jose Milczewski Alves Farias m****s@j****l 5
Rafaelly y****u@e****m 5
jhonyeduardo j****m@t****m 5
Aline Cristina Bastos Godoi Lariguet a****t@S****l 4
Bruno Alejandro Sobieski Chávez b****s@n****u 4
Josue j****a@g****m 4
Pedro Domingues d****o@t****r 4
caio-bernardo c****b@g****m 4
Maicon Funke m****e@g****m 4
Gustavo Gomes Madu g****u@g****m 3
RafaellyG r****r@g****m 3
danilo-bispo-tolentinos d****o@t****m 3
Mauro Mattos m****0@g****m 3
Carol Vasconcelos c****4@g****m 3
Ricardo Mello r****o@o****m 3
Kleger k****s@t****r 2
Ricardo Rinco r****o@h****m 2
Maicon Patrick Funke m****e@t****r 2
Mateus José Milczewski Alves Farias m****s@t****r 2
Siegklenes Rolland Beulke s****e@t****r 2
Diego d****a@g****m 2
nairansilva 3****a@u****m 2
Bruno Romeiro b****o@t****r 2
eternauta123 e****3@y****r 2
Danilo Sérvulo Bispo 4****o@u****m 1
Aline Lariguet 4****t@u****m 1
Dowglas Barros d****o@g****m 1
Carolina Vasconcelos c****a@t****r 1
Guilherme Eduardo Bittencourt g****b@h****m 1
Gabrieli Barbosa g****a@j****l 1
Ezequiel Gandolfi e****i@g****m 1
HenriqueLuiz h****a@y****r 1
ana.weiss a****s@t****r 1
jean vieira j****v@t****r 1
Arthur Fücher a****r@g****m 1
Aline Rabello a****e@g****m 1
Jhosef Marks j****s@u****m 1
Jose j****o@t****r 1
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****]@u****m 1
Nathan Castro n****8@g****m 1
Fabio de Moraes Rocha f****r@g****m 1
Leonardo Tadeu Diniz Leal l****l@j****l 1
VInicius Schuelter 4****r@u****m 1
Diego de Angelo d****o@t****r 1
Rafaelly G. Schoeffel r****l@h****r 1
Rubens dos Santos Filho r****s@t****r 1
Josue j****a@h****m 1
portinari-dev 4****v@u****m 1
brunotz b****5@g****m 1
unknown a****l@c****r 1
Juliana Kozima 1****a@u****m 1
Rafael Lourenço Marques r****s@o****m 1
thiagogoncalves t****n@g****m 1
po-ui-dev 4****v@u****m 1
Ítalo Siqueira s****o@g****m 1
luizmariz 3****z@u****m 1
jose-castro-gs j****o@g****r 1
menosprezzi g****7@g****m 1
danilo-bispo-tolentinos D****o@t****m 1
eternauta123 3****3@u****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
jcorrea97 j****1@g****m 74
Bruno Romeiro b****o@g****m 63
jribeiroo n****0@o****m 52
Rafael Lourenço Marques r****o@t****r 41
Wanderley Santos Teixeira w****a@y****r 25
alinelariguet a****a@g****m 12
gabrielibarbosa i****a@g****m 12
guilherme.noronha g****a@t****r 8
Bruno Alejandro Sobieski Chávez b****s@n****u 4
Pedro Domingues d****o@t****r 4
caio-bernardo c****b@g****m 4
Carol Vasconcelos c****4@g****m 3
Kleger k****s@t****r 2
Nathan Castro n****8@g****m 1
Carolina Vasconcelos c****a@t****r 1
Bruno Romeiro b****o@t****r 1
VInicius Schuelter 4****r@u****m 1
thiagogoncalves t****n@g****m 1
Nicole Oliveira n****5@g****m 1
Juliana Kozima 1****a@u****m 1
Rafaelly G. Schoeffel r****l@h****r 1
menosprezzi g****7@g****m 1
Rafael Lourenço Marques r****s@o****m 1
Aline Lariguet 4****t@u****m 1
Aline Rabello a****e@g****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.