
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects.

GitHub / openidentityplatform/opendj committers

OpenDJ is an LDAPv3 compliant directory service, which has been developed for the Java platform, providing a high performance, highly available, and secure store for the identities managed by your organization. Its easy installation process, combined with the power of the Java platform makes OpenDJ the simplest, fastest directory to deploy and manage.

Last synced: 11 days ago

Total Commits: 23,935
Total Committers: 117
Total Bot Commits: 4
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 204.573
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.832
Commits in the past year: 101
Committers in the past year: 6
Bot Commits in the past year: 4
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 16.833
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.455

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Jean-Noel Rouvignac j****c@f****m 4016
Matthew Swift m****t@f****m 2213
Mark Craig m****g@f****m 1908
jvergara j****a@l****t 1632
neil_a_wilson n****n@l****t 1332
Ludovic Poitou l****u@f****m 965
Gaetan Boismal g****l@f****m 786
Nicolas Capponi n****i@f****m 752
matthew_swift m****t@l****t 734
lutoff l****f@l****t 504
gbellato g****o@l****t 486
dugan d****n@l****t 474
Violette Roche-Montane v****e@f****m 468
ludovicp l****p@l****t 426
Christophe Sovant c****t@f****m 400
vharseko v****o@o****u 382
kenneth_suter k****r@l****t 364
Chris Ridd c****d@f****m 358
andrug a****g@l****t 356
abobrov a****v@l****t 350
mkeyes m****s@l****t 344
boli b****i@l****t 300
el_kaboing e****g@l****t 300
smaguin s****n@l****t 298
al_xipe a****e@l****t 294
Gary Williams g****s@f****m 278
pgamba p****a@l****t 276
gary_williams g****s@l****t 274
coulbeck c****k@l****t 246
Fabio Pistolesi f****i@f****m 234
Yannick Lecaillez y****z@f****m 222
david_page d****e@l****t 130
ugaston u****n@l****t 126
maudj m****j@l****t 120
sin s****n@l****t 118
Open Identity Platform Community o****j@g****m 116
jcambon j****n@l****t 90
davidely d****y@l****t 82
tdj_tx t****x@l****t 82
mrossign m****n@l****t 80
fguigues f****s@l****t 64
jdemendi j****i@l****t 62
Maxim Thomas m****s@g****m 61
Bruno Lavit b****t@f****m 57
Glenn Van Lint g****t@i****e 52
lfrost l****t@l****t 46
floblanc f****c@l****t 42
mmarie m****e@l****t 38
madiot m****t@l****t 38
jenkins j****s@f****m 34
sgouvern s****n@l****t 34
jenkins t****s@f****m 32
ctissot c****t@l****t 30
chebrard c****d@l****t 28
ian.packer i****r@f****m 27
Nemanja Lukic n****c@f****m 26
Gene Hirayama g****a@f****m 24
hajma h****a@l****t 24
fdorson f****n@l****t 20
elocatel e****l@l****t 18
jpikus j****s@l****t 18
jarnou j****u@l****t 16
Manuel Gaupp m****p@s****e 16
Jochen Raymaekers j****s@i****e 16
Guy Paddock g****y@r****m 15
shankar_mbn s****n@l****t 14
Patrick Diligent p****t@f****m 12
Peter Major p****r@f****m 11
pvarga88 p****a@o****m 10
arnaud_lacour a****r@l****t 10
Yuriy Movchan Y****n@g****m 9
Jim Mitchener j****r@f****m 9
Vanessa Richie v****e@f****m 8
rhaggard r****d@l****t 8
schwing s****g@l****t 6
German Parente c****e@g****m 6
treydrake t****e@l****t 6
jcduff j****f@l****t 4
Sebastien Bertholet s****t@f****m 4
Tobias Gesellchen t****s@g****e 4
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 4
Lee Trujillo l****o@f****m 3
Tim "Docteur" Caillot t****t@g****m 3
Jesse Coretta 7****a 3
James Phillpotts j****s@f****m 3
Guillaume G****3 3
Jan-Peter Nilsson 6****e 2
Philip Brown p****l@b****m 2
Yubao Liu y****u@g****m 2
shynome s****e@g****m 2
Jamie Bowen j****n@f****m 2
Jan-Peter Nilsson n****s@g****m 2
ooudghir o****r@l****t 2
miroslavfadrhonc m****c@l****t 2
Kevin McCormack k****8@m****u 2
opends o****s@l****t 2
bugspencor b****r@y****e 1
casell c****l 1
samene 4****e 1
adipose 3****e 1
Ykrad 3****d 1
Viktor Skachkov a****h@y****u 1
Shigeki Yoshioka s****1@g****m 1
Sean King r****g@g****m 1
PyRowMan 6****n 1
Nicolas Capponi c****s@g****m 1
Mike Lothian m****e@f****k 1
Martin Kofahl m****l@g****m 1
Luca Leonardo Scorcia l****a@g****m 1
Klaus Schwartz t****s 1
Kevin McCormack h****l@g****m 1
Franck Arnulfo f****o@g****m 1
Christian c****n@c****t 1
AdhavanM 4****M 1
vharseko v****o@l****t 1
Kenan Dervisevic k****c@e****z 1
Martijn van de Streek m****n@v****t 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Valery Kharseko v****o@3****u 55
Maxim Thomas m****s@g****m 20
Open Identity Platform Community o****j@g****m 18
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 4
Jesse Coretta 7****a 3
PyRowMan 6****n 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.