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GitHub / microweber/microweber committers

Last synced: about 14 hours ago

Total Commits: 21,224
Total Committers: 70
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 303.2
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.672
Commits in the past year: 5,371
Committers in the past year: 7
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 767.286
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.612

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Peter Ivanov p****r@m****m 6955
Bozhidar Slaveykov b****i@m****m 6417
Nikolay r****w@g****m 2144
b.slaveykov b****v@r****g 1729
alex r****v@y****m 1671
Petko Yovchevski p****i@g****m 748
Bozhidar Slaveykov 5****r 465
Petko Yovchevski p****o@m****m 397
Bobkata s****g@g****m 280
petko6 p****o@p****m 107
Front-End Dev d****v@m****m 57
Ash Rain b****i@o****m 33
Ash a****n 29
nickwuk n****k@e****k 29
Ash Rain a****h@n****e 23
Bozhidar Slaveykov b****n@g****m 14
Ash a****h@m****m 14
Bobi b****i@c****g 10
Bozhidar Slaveykov b****r@d****m 8
Bobi 6****n 7
boris s****s@g****m 6
Chen188 5
Iman i****1@g****m 4
phausleitner 1****r 4
slaveykov s****7@a****g 4
CloudVisionBulgaria c****g@g****m 4
shchukax s****x 3
Sakil Mia 3****7 3
Milocosmopolitan m****n@g****m 3
taliezincho t****o 2
Ahmed Mohamed Abd El Ftah a****5@g****m 2
John Gannon j****n@d****m 2
John Page a****c@g****m 2
MW Bot b****t@m****m 2
Petko Yovchevski o****e@p****m 2
Petko Yovchevski p****i@p****m 2
Radanovn r****w@g****m 2 | the place to protect open source a****n@4****m 2
Bobi b****i@m****g 2
Alexander Menk a****k@g****m 1
Charlie Sue 3****g 1
Jeffry L p****u 1
Lee Choon Jia 7****a 1
Mallaury Gérard 7****d 1
marcellgim 7****m 1
manianrezaie 3****e 1
jess j****r@g****m 1
combie c****e 1
Viaativa 4****b 1
App World BR d****r@a****r 1
Ana Martinho a****o@g****m 1
Abdulelah Alharabi a****d@o****a 1
Nicolas Ferrari n****i@a****m 1
Oleg a****c@m****u 1
Paolo Rampino c****k@g****m 1
Staalkoper Y****l@g****m 1
Thomas Vansteenkiste t****e@m****m 1
Vladislav Naydenov v****v@i****m 1
Webdepozit p****r@u****k 1
mlajx m****a@g****m 1
shchukax a****s@a****m 1
snipe s****e@s****t 1
tienquang tien t****9@g****m 1
Nico g****b@n****e 1
Jassie 5****5@q****m 1
James Chen j****n@l****x 1
Dmitrii Poddubnyi d****y@g****m 1
CyberiaResurrection c****n@g****m 1
Cuanq Gigabyte c****s@g****m 1
Brightside56 o****r@p****y 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Bozhidar Slaveykov b****i@m****m 2084
Peter Ivanov p****r@m****m 1698
Nikolay r****w@g****m 1139
alex r****v@y****m 433
Bozhidar Slaveykov b****n@g****m 13
phausleitner 1****r 3
marcellgim 7****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.