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GitHub / markstory/sphinxcontrib-phpdomain committers
A PHP domain for sphinx. Allows you to annotate PHP objects in your sphinx docs.
Last synced: 14 days ago
Total Committers: 15
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 7.8
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.487
Committers in the past year: 1
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 2.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.0
More repo stats:
Name | Commits | |
Mark Story | m****k@m****m | 60 |
Viktor Haag | V****g@D****m | 13 |
Nicolas Peugnet | n****s@c****r | 10 |
Michael Voříšek | m****k@m****z | 10 |
othercorey | c****l@g****m | 5 |
Romans Malinovskis | m****e@n****u | 3 |
Julius Härtl | j****s@b****t | 3 |
Boarnasia | m****5@g****m | 3 |
Ben Ramsey | b****n@b****m | 3 |
cake17 | c****7@c****m | 2 |
thuttinpasseron | 8****n | 1 |
Miro Hrončok | m****o@h****z | 1 |
Karolina Surma | 3****e | 1 |
Jared Dillard | j****b@g****m | 1 |
Christian Glombek | L****s | 1 |
Excludes empty and merge commits.
Name | Commits | |
Mark Story | m****k@m****m | 2 |
Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.