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GitHub / jenkinsci/openstack-cloud-plugin committers

Provision nodes from OpenStack on demand

Last synced: 14 days ago

Total Commits: 1,204
Total Committers: 65
Total Bot Commits: 5
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 18.523
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.439
Commits in the past year: 8
Committers in the past year: 4
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 2.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.5

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Oliver Gondža o****a@g****m 676
Marat Mavlyutov m****v@y****u 95
Andrew Bayer a****r@g****m 94
vijaykiran m****l@v****m 61
Peter Darton p****n@g****m 32
CloudBees DEV@Cloud n****y@c****m 30
sdirector s****r@d****t 27
Ing. Pavel Janousek p****e@r****m 18
Adrian Cole a****n@j****g 15
Ivan Krutov v****h@y****u 9
Ignasi Barrera n****x@a****g 8
Maksim Beloborodko m****o@w****t 7
René Scheibe r****e@g****m 7
Fritz Elfert f****z@f****e 7
Neeraja Potluri n****i@r****m 7
Lucie Votypkova l****o@l****b 6
Hugo Trippaers t****e@g****m 6
Chris Custine c****e@a****g 6
rabadin r****n@c****m 6
adriancole a****e@d****t 5
Sergey Voronezhskiy S****y@g****m 5
Andreas Löhe a****e@p****e 5
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 5
Monty Taylor m****d@i****m 5
Clark Boylan c****n@g****m 5
Tim Jacomb t****b@g****m 4
Scott Marlow s****w@r****m 3
Lionel Schwarz l****z@i****r 3
Alexey Skorokhodov a****v@s****m 2
Andrey Klochkov a****v@g****m 2
Cristiano Nicolai c****i@g****m 2
richnou l****d@g****m 2
Basil Crow m****e@b****m 2
Kei YAMAZAKI d****i@g****m 2
choeffer 3****r 2
Vincent Latombe v****t@l****t 2
Mohammed Naser m****r@v****m 2
Matthew Montgomery m****w@s****m 2
witokondoria w****a@g****m 1
strangelookingnerd 4****d 1
Michał Zegan w****0@p****l 1
arun a****e@u****m 1
kohsuke k****e@d****t 1
tgatinea t****u@n****m 1
Everett Toews e****s@r****m 1
dclayton d****n@g****m 1
Zoran Regvart z****t@a****g 1
Thomas Gerbet t****s@g****e 1
Thanh Ha z****o@l****m 1
Ryan Thornton t****n@j****m 1
Nigel Magnay n****y@g****m 1
Major Hayden m****r@r****m 1
Krzysztof Taborski t****f@g****m 1
Kohsuke Kawaguchi k****k@k****g 1
Ken Dreyer k****r@r****m 1
Kai b****e@3****e 1
Josh Soref j****f 1
Jesse Glick j****k@c****m 1
Guilherme Steinmüller g****r@v****m 1
acontes a****s@g****m 1
andyuk1986 a****n@g****m 1
Frank Kautz f****z@s****m 1
Arnim Balzer a****r@a****m 1
Adam Rofer g****t@a****m 1
Matt Ramey i****o@g****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Oliver Gondža o****a@g****m 4
Vincent Latombe v****t@l****t 2
strangelookingnerd 4****d 1
Kai b****e@3****e 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.