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GitHub / guardian/dotcom-rendering committers

Last synced: about 1 month ago

Total Commits: 22,882
Total Committers: 160
Total Bot Commits: 862
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 143.013
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.853
Commits in the past year: 2,327
Committers in the past year: 53
Bot Commits in the past year: 97
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 43.906
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.903

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Oliver Lloyd e****l@o****m 3359
Max Duval m****l@t****m 1271
Jamie Webb j****b@g****k 1100
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 862
Ravi 7****a 757
Jamie B 5****u 737
Anna Beddow a****w@g****m 713
Gareth g****t@g****m 599
Nicolas Long n****g@t****m 589
Olly 9****g 577
Alex Sanders a****@s****s 571
Simon Adcock s****k@g****k 498
Joe Cowton j****n@g****k 492
DanielCliftonGuardian 1****n 433
William Lacroix w****x@g****m 402
Pascal Honoré p****l@a****t 379
Fares Marek Basmadji f****i@g****k 378
GHaberis g****s@t****m 355
Ashleigh Carr a****0@g****m 348
Ioanna Kokkini i****k@h****m 324
Charlotte Emms 4****1 313
Dominik Lander d****r@g****k 300
George B 7****h 294
William Lacroix w****n@j****e 293
Gareth Trufitt g****t@g****k 287
Chris Jones c****6@g****m 275
Mario Savarese m****e@t****m 263
Demetrios Skamiotis d****s@g****m 241
Marjan Kalanaki m****i@g****k 239
Marjan K m****k@3****t 223
David Blatcher d****r@g****m 223
Tom Forbes t****s@t****m 204
Pete Faulconbridge p****e@g****m 193
Alex Ware a****e@g****k 177
Georges Lebreton g****n@g****k 175
Emma Imber e****r@g****k 174
Mark Addis 3****y 173
Rob Phillips r****s@g****k 173
Mark Addis m****s@g****k 164
vanessa 3****e 162
Josh Buckland j****d@g****m 140
Lucy Monie Hall l****l@g****m 136
Andre Silva a****r@g****k 134
Francesca Hammond f****d@g****k 132
Thomas King 1****m 132
Sophie 2****n 130
James Gorrie j****e 129
Tom Wey t****y@t****m 124
Dina Hafez d****z@g****k 106
Mahesh Makani m****i@g****m 105
Joshua j****n@g****m 103
Charley_Campbell c****l@g****k 95
Jon Soul j****l@g****k 94
Jake Lee Kennedy j****y@g****k 89
Rhys Mills r****s@g****m 83
Matthew Walls m****s@g****k 80
Alina Boghiu a****u@g****m 78
Francis Rhys-Jones f****r@g****k 72
Harry Fischer h****r@g****k 71
Michael Jacobson c****t@m****k 66
Alexandre Dufournet a****t@g****k 63
James Mockett 1****t 59
Philip McMahon p****n@g****k 58
Silvija Blaslov s****1@m****k 58
Simon Byford s****d@g****k 56
Zeke Hunter-Green z****n@g****m 54
David Lawes d****s@g****k 49
Rowanne Kabalan r****n@g****k 45
Iain Chambers i****e@g****k 44
Rik Roots r****s@g****m 44
Laura buns l****r@l****c 43
ioanna0 i****u@g****k 41
“LAKSHMIRPILLAI” “****i@g****” 39
frederickobrien f****n@g****k 39
Wai Sing Yiu w****u@g****k 38
Jorge Azevedo j****o@g****k 35
Iain Chambers 9****n 33
Ricardo Costa r****a@g****k 31
Imogen Hardy i****y@g****k 30
Rebecca Thompson 3****n 29
Akinsola Lawanson 1****n 26
Peter Colley z****t@g****m 24
Michael Clapham m****m@g****m 24
Emily Bourke e****e@g****k 22
Oliver Abrahams o****s@g****k 21
Jacob Winch j****h@g****k 20
Tom Pretty t****2@g****m 20
Sue Burt s****t 18
andrewHEguardian 1****n 18
Mario Savarese 5****r 17
David Furey d****y@g****k 16
Maria Olanipekun m****n@h****m 15
Mariot Chauvin m****n@g****m 15
Lindsey Dew l****w@g****k 15
Anna Voelker a****r@g****k 14
Jamie Lynch j****h@g****k 14
Edward 1****n 13
Parisa Tork p****k@y****k 13
Joe Griffiths j****r@g****k 13
Kamat, Trivikram 1****r 12
ioanna_kyprianou i****0@g****k 11
Robert Kenny r****y@g****k 11
Mohammad Haque m****e@g****k 11
Raphael Kabo r****o@t****m 10
Adem Gaygusuz a****e@g****k 10
Amy Hughes a****s@g****k 10
Unmesh Malvankar 9****n 9
Francis Carr f****n@f****m 9
Richard Bangay r****y@g****m 8
Matthew Walls m****s@g****m 8
Ara_cho j****b@g****m 8
Zef Cherry-Kynaston z****n@3****t 7
Jonathon Herbert j****t@g****k 7
Liam Duffy 3****s 7
Jerome Eteve j****e@g****k 6
Lakshmi Pillai l****i@g****k 6
Ashish Puliyel a****l@g****k 6
[email protected] g****t@q****t@q****t 6
Paul Roberts p****s@t****m 6
akash1810 a****0 5
Max Spencer m****r@g****m 5
Oliver Barnwell b****r@g****m 5
Duarte Carrilho da Graça 4****e 5
Roberto Tyley r****y@t****m 5
Ioanna Kyprianou i****r@g****k 5
Ashish Puliyel a****r@g****k 5
Alessia Amitrano a****o@g****m 4
Grahame Oakland g****d@g****k 4
Mateusz m****w@g****k 4
Tom Richards t****s@g****k 3
Rui Costa r****2@g****m 3
Fares Marek Basmadji f****e 3
snyk-bot s****t@s****o 3
John Duffell j****l@g****k 3
Andy Noton a****r@g****k 3
Alexander Edge a****x@a****k 3
Alina Boghiu a****u@3****t 3
Phill Barron p****2@g****m 2
Kelvin Chappell k****l@t****m 2
Idris Elliott i****r@g****k 2
Ricardo Costa 4****a 2
Robert Kenny k****r 2
Paul Dempsey 7****y 1
Ioanna Kyprianou 5****0 1
Dominic Kendrick d****k 1
Anna a****l 1
Maël Zoungrana m****a@g****k 1
Patricio Vighi p****i@g****m 1
Rupert Bates R****s@g****k 1
Simone Smith s****n@g****m 1
Adam Fisher a****h@g****m 1
damien-shaw-guardian d****r@g****k 1
Yusuf Faraji y****i@g****m 1
Andy Gallagher f****2@g****m 1
Andrew Garner a****w@a****m 1
Lau Skeeter l****z@g****k 1
Alina Boghiu a****u@3****t 1
Anna Leach a****h@t****m 1
Stephen Geller s****t@g****m 1
Zef z****l@g****k 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Max Duval m****l@t****m 225
Ravi 7****a 202
Charlotte Emms 4****1 189
Dominik Lander d****r@g****k 161
DanielCliftonGuardian 1****n 152
Anna Beddow a****w@g****m 146
Jamie B 5****u 117
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 97
Charley_Campbell c****l@g****k 95
Dina Hafez d****z@g****k 88
Ioanna Kokkini i****k@h****m 64
Emma Imber e****r@g****k 62
George B 7****h 50
James Mockett 1****t 49
Alina Boghiu a****u@g****m 44
Tom Forbes t****s@t****m 43
“LAKSHMIRPILLAI” “****i@g****” 39
Rowanne Kabalan r****n@g****k 37
Georges Lebreton 1****M 36
Alex Sanders a****x@s****v 30
Sophie 2****n 29
frederickobrien f****n@g****k 29
Jake Lee Kennedy j****y@g****k 29
Simon Adcock s****2@g****m 28
Marjan Kalanaki m****i@g****k 23
Imogen Hardy i****y@g****k 22
Emily Bourke e****e@g****k 21
Demetrios Skamiotis d****s@g****k 20
Rhys Mills r****s@g****k 19
Joe Cowton j****n@g****k 19
Chris Jones c****6@g****m 19
andrewHEguardian 1****n 18
Akinsola Lawanson 1****n 17
Sue Burt s****t 16
Oliver Abrahams o****s@g****k 13
Raphael Kabo r****o@t****m 10
Simon Byford s****d@g****k 9
James Gorrie j****e 8
Tom Wey t****y@t****m 7
Anna Voelker a****r@g****k 6
Rik Roots r****s@g****m 6
Lindsey Dew l****w@g****k 6
Alessia Amitrano a****o@g****m 4
akash1810 a****0 4
David Furey d****y@g****k 3
vanessa 3****e 3
John Duffell j****l@g****k 3
Ashish Puliyel a****l@g****k 2
Harry Fischer h****r@g****k 2
Mahesh Makani m****h@m****v 2
Pete F p****e@t****m 2
Iain Chambers 9****n 1
Andy Gallagher f****2@g****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.