
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects.

GitHub / expo/eas-build committers

Last synced: 2 months ago

Total Commits: 607
Total Committers: 23
Total Bot Commits: 9
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 26.391
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.656
Commits in the past year: 241
Committers in the past year: 12
Bot Commits in the past year: 9
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 20.083
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.656

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Wojciech Kozyra w****a@s****m 209
Dominik Sokal d****l@s****m 178
Szymon Dziedzic s****c@s****m 84
Szymon Dziedzic s****z@g****m 31
Stanisław Chmiela s****a 20
Radosław Krzemień r****n@s****m 20
Stanisław Chmiela s****a@g****m 11
Expo Bot b****t@e****v 10
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 9
Piotr Szeremeta p****a@s****m 7
Kadi Kraman k****i@e****o 5
Brent Vatne b****e@g****m 4
jkh j****n@e****o 3
James Ide i****e 3
Mike Hampton r****e 3
Kim Brandwijk k****k@g****m 2
Michael Hampton m****n@h****m 2
Jon Samp s****n@g****m 1
Ville Immonen v****n@i****i 1
Will Schurman w****n@g****m 1
Evan Bacon b****x@g****m 1
Douglas Lowder d****r@m****m 1
Archimedes Trajano d****r@t****t 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Szymon Dziedzic s****c@s****m 83
Dominik Sokal d****l@s****m 51
Wojciech Kozyra w****a@s****m 25
Radosław Krzemień r****n@s****m 20
Stanisław Chmiela s****a 20
Stanisław Chmiela s****a@g****m 11
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 9
Piotr Szeremeta p****a@s****m 7
Kadi Kraman k****i@e****o 5
Szymon Dziedzic s****z@g****m 5
Expo Bot b****t@e****v 4
Will Schurman w****n@g****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.