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GitHub / enthought/traitsui committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 4,308
Total Committers: 144
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 29.917
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.818
Commits in the past year: 50
Committers in the past year: 13
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 3.846
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.4

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
dmorrill d****l@6****a 784
Corran Webster c****r@e****m 586
epatters e****s@6****a 284
bhendrix b****x@6****a 173
phil p****l@6****a 166
Kit Choi k****i@u****m 153
dpeterson d****n@6****a 152
aaronayres35 3****5@u****m 135
Robert Kern r****n@e****m 126
vibha v****a@6****a 120
Ioannis Tziakos i****t@e****m 114
Kit Yan Choi k****i@e****m 78
pwang p****g@6****a 78
Poruri Sai Rahul r****i@e****m 75
swisher s****r@6****a 73
ischnell i****l@6****a 73
rkern r****n@6****a 67
epatters e****s@e****m 66
judah j****h@6****a 62
Aaron Ayres a****s@e****m 59
Ilan Schnell i****l@e****m 49
Jonathan March j****h@e****m 49
Ioannis Tziakos m****l@i****r 46
dmartin d****n@6****a 39
Pankaj Pandey p****j@e****m 38
Pietro Berkes p****s@g****m 38
warren.weckesser w****r@6****a 35
Mark Dickinson m****n@e****m 34
martin m****n@6****a 30
Ieva i****y@u****m 27
Robert Kern r****n@g****m 20
prabhu p****u@6****a 19
Pradyun p****g@g****m 18
Warren Weckesser w****r@e****m 18
ccasey c****y@6****a 17
cwebster c****r@6****a 17
Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc a****t@e****m 16
Christopher L. Farrow c****w@e****m 16
GaelVaroquaux G****x@6****a 16
Jonathan Rocher j****r@k****m 14
jwheeler j****r@6****a 14
Simon Jagoe s****e@e****m 13
rlratzel r****l@6****a 13
Kit Choi k****t@k****g 11
Naveen Michaud-Agrawal n****m@e****m 11
notmatthancock m****3@g****m 10
Pietro Berkes p****s@e****m 9
Senganal Thirunavukkarasu s****l@e****m 9
Prashant Agrawal p****t@e****m 7
ascopatz a****z@6****a 7
Robin Dunn r****n@a****m 7
Jordan Weaver j****r@e****m 6
Martin Bergtholdt m****t@p****m 6
Yves Delley h****k@d****t 6
John Wiggins j****s@e****m 6
Stefano Borini s****i@e****m 6
epatterson e****n@6****a 6
Joris Vankerschaver j****r@e****m 6
Shoeb Mohammed s****b@u****m 6
jwiggins j****s@6****a 6
Prabhu Ramachandran p****u@a****n 5
tonysyu t****0@g****m 5
gvaroquaux g****x@6****a 5
Puneeth Chaganti p****n@g****m 5
Ajeet Vivekanandan a****n@e****m 4
Tim Diller t****r@g****m 4
Yves Delley p****y@d****t 4
Per A. Brodtkorb p****b@g****m 4
bryanv b****v@6****a 4
klodo k****o@6****a 4
jmarch j****h@6****a 4
Anthony Scopatz s****z@g****m 3
Bruce Klappauf b****f@e****m 3
Eric Larson l****d@g****m 3
eric e****c@6****a 3
Matthew Evans m****8@c****k 3
kriehl k****l@6****a 3
rahul.poruri r****i@g****m 3
Matthieu Dartiailh m****l@l****t 3
epatters e****s@g****m 3
mm89039 m****8@g****m 3
Sandhya Govindaraju 3****o@u****m 3
Mayank Manjrekar m****r@e****m 2
Corran Webster c****r@g****m 2
Olivier Verdier o****r@g****m 2
jdmarch J****M@m****t 2
Jonathan Rocher j****r@e****m 2
Jenni Portman j****n@e****m 2
Nicola De Mitri n****i@e****m 2
Christopher Angell 4****l@u****m 2
Sandhya Govindaraju s****u@e****m 2
midhun-pm m****1@g****m 2
Swarts S****s@6****a 2
Kuya Takami k****i@e****m 2
kammeyer k****r@6****a 2
Matt Reay m****y@e****m 2
brycehendrix b****x@g****m 2
Didrik Pinte d****e@e****m 2
Gregor Thalhammer g****r@g****m 2
PyHannes 4****s@u****m 2
Robin Dunn r****n@e****m 2
Orion Poplawski o****n@n****m 2
James 3****t@u****m 1
Dominik Gresch g****d@u****m 1
Eric Olsen 5****8@u****m 1
Federico Miorelli F****i@u****m 1
John Wiggins j****s@u****m 1
K.-Michael Aye k****e@g****m 1
Jonathan March J****M@M****t 1
Pedro Rivotti 4****i@u****m 1
Ian Delaney d****5@i****u 1
Johannes Loibl 4****l@u****m 1
Maxwell Grady m****y@e****m 1
Diego Ramirez d****5@g****m 1
John Wiggins j****s@x****u 1
Steve Peak s****e@c****o 1
Kevin Duff k****f@g****m 1
Roberto Preste r****e@e****m 1
Prabhu Ramachandran p****u@e****m 1
David Baddeley 1****y@u****m 1
Ryan Ranson r****n@g****m 1
aestrivex a****x@g****m 1
Christian Brodbeck c****k@g****m 1
hopeful0 h****d@1****m 1
gaelvaroquaux g****x@6****a 1
jthacker t****n@g****m 1
pib p****r@e****m 1
Steven Kern s****n@u****m 1
Scott Talbert s****t@t****t 1
Jim Corson j****n@e****m 1
Hai Yan 8****h@u****m 1
mudspringhiker t****2@g****m 1
tivek t****k@i****r 1
Rob McMullen r****m@u****t 1
Petr Kungurtsev p****v@e****m 1
Midhun PM m****n@e****m 1
msmarte m****e@e****m 1
Jason McCampbell (Enthought, Inc) j****l@e****m 1
oliphant o****t@6****a 1
bryancole b****e@6****a 1
builder b****r@6****a 1
Jonathan Rocher j****r@g****m 1
[email protected] r****y@e****m 1
unknown P****s@W****) 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Corran Webster c****r@e****m 30
Mark Dickinson m****n@e****m 8
PyHannes 4****s@u****m 2
aaronayres35 3****5@u****m 1
Christopher Angell 4****l@u****m 1
Dominik Gresch g****d@u****m 1
Hai Yan 8****h@u****m 1
Johannes Loibl 4****l@u****m 1
Maxwell Grady m****y@e****m 1
Poruri Sai Rahul r****i@e****m 1
David Baddeley 1****y@u****m 1
Orion Poplawski o****n@n****m 1
hopeful0 h****d@1****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.