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GitHub / dfu-programmer/dfu-programmer committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 484
Total Committers: 15
Total Bot Commits: 0
Total Bot Committers: 0
Avg Commits per committer: 32.267
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.455

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Cameron Tacklind c****n@t****m 264
schmidtw s****w@8****e 90
slarge s****e@8****e 52
Simon Large s****n@s****k 30
Walker Inman w****n@m****u 20
Walker Inman w****n@l****m 13
John Szakmeister j****n@s****t 4
Olivier Pisano o****o@l****t 3
Nicolas BRULEZ n****z@p****m 2
Alban Bedel a****l@a****e 1
Igor Gnatenko i****o@r****m 1
Mark Peng m****g@g****m 1
Lucid User i****o@l****m 1
Rodolphe PELLOUX-PRAYER r****e@d****t 1
Jonathan Perret j****b@j****t 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

This repository has not had the past years commits calculated yet. This may take a few minutes.