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GitHub / copier-org/copier committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 1,012
Total Committers: 60
Total Bot Commits: 213
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 16.867
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.79
Commits in the past year: 290
Committers in the past year: 32
Bot Commits in the past year: 127
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 9.063
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.562

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****]@u****m 213
Ben Felder b****n@f****o 182
Jairo Llopis j****s@t****m 105
Jairo Llopis y****8@g****m 105
Juan-Pablo Scaletti j****o@l****m 85
Sigurd Spieckermann s****n@g****m 57
Juan-Pablo Scaletti j****o@j****m 56
Timothée Mazzucotelli p****y@p****e 54
Ben Felder 2****g@u****m 32
Sigurd Spieckermann 2****p@u****m 26
Jairo Llopis Y****o@u****m 10
Javier Olaechea p****a@g****m 9
Jairo Llopis 9****o@u****m 8
Tim Heap t****m@t****e 6
Carlos Meza c****s@d****m 3
Jacob Straszynski j****i@p****m 3
Sascha Desch s****h@h****m 3
Dennis Roche d****e@o****m 3
Adrian Freund a****d@q****m 2
Andrew Leech a****h@p****u 2
Paul Moore p****e@g****m 2
Raphael Krupinski r****i@u****m 2
Nils de Bruin n****s@d****l 2
Tim Gates t****s@i****m 2
Timo Furrer t****o@g****m 2
bpoirriez 3****z@u****m 2
mshafer-NI m****r@n****m 2
Timothée Mazzucotelli t****i@e****m 2
Adrien Berchet a****t@g****m 1
Andrea PIERRÉ 6****l@u****m 1
Craig Burdulis i****7@g****m 1
Aliaksei Urbanski m****m@m****w 1
Blake Naccarato 2****o@u****m 1
Andrew Leech a****w@a****t 1
Alexandre Chaussier a****r@i****o 1
Brian Burgin b****n@u****m 1
Can Kutlu Kınay c****y@g****m 1
Alexander Hungenberg d****g@u****m 1
Barry Hart b****t@y****m 1
Ben Yang f****n@u****m 1
John z****3@g****m 1
David Stanek d****k@d****m 1
Nat Noordanus n****@n****e 1
Talley Lambert t****t@g****m 1
Sebastian Tramp m****l@s****e 1
Mark van Holsteijn m****n@g****m 1
Nikolaus Schlemm c****o@c****m 1
eyllanesc e****o@g****m 1
Thierry Gaugry t****y@i****r 1
William Skertic w****c@g****m 1
Tomasz Pluskiewicz t****e@u****m 1
Sabar Dasgupta s****@b****m 1
Robin Schneider y****d@r****t 1
Xuan Hu i****@h****g 1
Damian Kula H****k@g****m 1
Kian-Meng Ang k****g@c****g 1
StefanBRas 2****s@u****m 1
Wilson Waters w****s@m****u 1
Ludovico Bianchi l****i@l****v 1
Ivan Yelizariev y****v@i****v 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****]@u****m 127
Sigurd Spieckermann s****n@g****m 57
Jairo Llopis y****8@g****m 35
Sigurd Spieckermann 2****p@u****m 26
Jairo Llopis 9****o@u****m 8
Timothée Mazzucotelli p****y@p****e 4
Sascha Desch s****h@h****m 3
Adrian Freund a****d@q****m 2
Nils de Bruin n****s@d****l 2
Raphael Krupinski r****i@u****m 2
bpoirriez 3****z@u****m 2
Paul Moore p****e@g****m 2
Sebastian Tramp m****l@s****e 1
Mark van Holsteijn m****n@g****m 1
Kian-Meng Ang k****g@c****g 1
Can Kutlu Kınay c****y@g****m 1
Craig Burdulis i****7@g****m 1
Juan-Pablo Scaletti j****o@j****m 1
Andrea PIERRÉ 6****l@u****m 1
Ludovico Bianchi l****i@l****v 1
Adrien Berchet a****t@g****m 1
Thierry Gaugry t****y@i****r 1
John z****3@g****m 1
Tim Gates t****s@i****m 1
mshafer-NI m****r@n****m 1
Wilson Waters w****s@m****u 1
Tomasz Pluskiewicz t****e@u****m 1
StefanBRas 2****s@u****m 1
Talley Lambert t****t@g****m 1
Barry Hart b****t@y****m 1
Damian Kula H****k@g****m 1
Xuan Hu i****@h****g 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.