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GitHub / cloudcomponents/cdk-constructs committers

Last synced: 8 days ago

Total Commits: 692
Total Committers: 27
Total Bot Commits: 3
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 25.63
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.276
Commits in the past year: 0
Committers in the past year: 0
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 0.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.0

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
hupe1980 f****0@g****m 501
hupe1980 h****o@w****e 55
hupe1980 h****e@F****x 34
Roger Perez r****z@v****m 22
kimisme9386 k****6@g****m 18
Morten Brix Pedersen m****n@w****k 11
Carsten Thiele s****e@c****e 5
Esen Sagynov k****l 4
Brian Quinn b****n@g****m 4
Carsten Thiele c****t@C****l 4
Dan Van Brunt m****e@d****m 4
Julian Michel j****n@J****x 4
Jeff Cooper j****r@v****m 3
dependabot[bot] πŸ€– 4****] 3
AndrΓ© von Deetzen a****e@v****e 2
Brent Ryan b****n@c****m 2
Calvin Young c****g@g****m 2
Kevin Brown k****n@t****e 2
cardosi c****i@m****m 2
hupe1980 h****0 2
Roger Perez 8****z 2
Joe Flateau j****e@j****t 1
Kieran Jennings k****s@k****k 1
Matthew Birchler m****r@g****m 1
Pablo Cariel p****l@g****m 1
Ryan Pivovar r****r@g****m 1
guan840912 g****2@g****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

This repository has not had any commits in the past year. Excludes empty and merge commits.