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GitHub / chanzuckerberg/cellxgene committers

Last synced: 8 months ago

Total Commits: 1,480
Total Committers: 52
Total Bot Commits: 12
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 28.462
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.716
Commits in the past year: 10
Committers in the past year: 5
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 2.0
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.5

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Colin Megill c****l@g****m 421
Bruce Martin b****e@c****m 335
Charlotte Weaver c****r@g****m 204
Severiano Badajoz s****z@c****m 114
bmccandless b****s@c****m 86
Matt Weiden 5****n 58
maniarathi m****i@g****m 42
Madison Dunitz m****z@c****m 27
Sidney Bell s****l@g****m 22
Timmy Huang t****n 18
Sidney Bell s****l 18
Justin Kiggins j****s@g****m 13
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 12
Andrew Tolopko a****i 12
Marcus Kinsella m****l 12
Jeremy Freeman t****b@g****m 9
fionagriffin 4****n 8
Ben MR b****s@c****m 8
atarashansky a****y@c****m 6
Emanuele Bezzi e****i@c****m 4
maniarathi a****i@c****m 4
Severiano Badajoz s****z@g****m 4
Mim Hastie m****m@c****m 3
Ambrose J Carr a****r 3
ashin-czi a****n@c****m 2
signechambers1 7****1 2
Prete m****e@s****k 2
Isaiah Norton i****n 2
ashin-czi 1****i 2
Snyk bot s****t@s****o 2
Rohan Agarwal 4****a 2
Trent Smith 1****7 2
jacobrheath 7****h 2
GenevieveHaliburton 3****n 1
Leslie l****g@c****m 1
evanbiederstedt e****t 1
Björn Grüning b****n@g****u 1
Donald Paul Herman D****n@h****m 1
mattcai 3****i 1
James Taylor j****s@j****g 1
Charlotte Weaver c****r@u****m 1
bmccandless b****s@g****m 1
Marcio von Muhlen m****m@g****m 1
Alex Wolf f****f@g****e 1
Eduardo Lopez e****z@c****m 1
Leslie h****g@g****m 1
Sidney Bell s****b@u****u 1
Kuni Katsuya k****a@c****m 1
Philipp A f****p@w****e 1
Andrew Tolopko a****o@c****m 1
Gökçen Eraslan g****n@g****m 1
Isaac Virshup i****p@g****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
atarashansky a****y@c****m 5
maniarathi a****i@c****m 2
Kuni Katsuya k****a@c****m 1
Severiano Badajoz s****z@c****m 1
Andrew Tolopko a****i 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.