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GitHub / braintree/braintree-ios-drop-in committers

Last synced: 4 months ago

Total Commits: 579
Total Committers: 35
Total Bot Commits: 4
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 16.543
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.553
Commits in the past year: 29
Committers in the past year: 6
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 4.833
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.69

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
demerino c****e@g****m 259
scannillo 3****o 69
sestevens 5****s 66
Susan Stevens s****s@g****m 32
Samantha Cannillo s****o@g****m 30
wwerges b****s@g****m 26
Jax DesMarais-Leder j****s@g****m 24
Sarah Koop s****p@p****m 12
Holly Stotelmyer h****5@m****m 6
Cooper Barth c****h@g****m 6
Sergey Shpuntov s****v@g****m 5
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 4
Tim Martinak t****k@g****m 4
Stephanie 1****u 3
Cooper Barth c****h@g****m 3
Myles Ringle m****s@g****m 3
Victoria Park v****k@p****m 3
Jack Ellenberger j****r@u****u 2
bluk b****k@g****m 2
Pierre Espenan p****n@g****m 2
Jax DesMarais-Leder j****s@p****m 2
David Merino d****o@g****m 2
Brandon Jenniges s****5@g****m 2
sdcoffey s****y@u****u 1
quinnjn q****n@n****m 1
lkorth l****e@l****m 1
demerino and sdcoffey d****o@g****y@u****u 1
Jeff Brateman b****t@g****m 1
agedd 1****d 1
sshropshire 5****e 1
Sammy Cannillo s****o@p****m 1
Kayla Galway k****y@g****m 1
Elliot Lee g****c@i****m 1
David Merino d****o@g****m 1
Aki a****n@p****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Jax DesMarais-Leder j****s@g****m 9
braintreeps c****e@g****m 7
scannillo 3****o 6
Victoria Park v****k@p****m 3
Stephanie 1****u 3
agedd 1****d 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.