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GitHub / blackfireio/player committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 690
Total Committers: 32
Total Bot Commits: 15
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 21.563
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.768
Commits in the past year: 136
Committers in the past year: 7
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 19.429
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.544

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Romain Neutron r****n@n****o 160
Romain Neutron i****c@g****m 129
iamluc l****c@v****t 123
Tortue Géniale s****n@b****o 82
Fabien Potencier f****r@g****m 50
Jérémy Derussé j****y@d****m 29
Grégoire Pineau l****x@l****o 26
Fabien Potencier f****n@p****g 15
dependabot-preview[bot] 🤖 2****]@u****m 15
Jérôme Vieilledent l****e@g****m 11
Alexandre Salomé a****e@b****o 7
Diana Arnos d****s@b****o 5
Julien Jean j****n@p****h 5
Christophe Coevoet s****f@n****g 4
Matthéo Geoffray m****y@d****r 3
Tugdual Saunier t****r@s****m 3
Alexandre Salomé a****e@p****h 2
Ca-Jou c****n@p****h 2
Dany Maillard d****b@g****m 2
Saša Stamenković u****y@g****m 2
Kevin Verschaeve k****e@l****r 2
scyzoryck m****i@g****m 2
Ulrich Eckhardt u****t@b****e 2
Arman Hosseini 4****i@u****m 1
Vincent Composieux v****x@g****m 1
Nicolas Grekas n****s@g****m 1
Gabriel Caruso c****4@g****m 1
Jacques Bodin-Hullin j****n@m****m 1
Daniel Schmelz d****l@s****g 1
Christophe Dujarric C****c@u****m 1
Ryan Weaver w****b@g****m 1
Kevin Saliou k****n@s****e 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Tortue Géniale s****n@b****o 62
Romain Neutron r****n@n****o 52
Jérémy Derussé j****y@d****m 11
Julien Jean j****n@p****h 5
Fabien Potencier f****n@p****g 3
Alexandre Salomé a****e@p****h 2
Ca-Jou c****n@p****h 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.