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GitHub / TelegramBots/Telegram.Bot committers

Last synced: 4 days ago

Total Commits: 1,716
Total Committers: 63
Total Bot Commits: 26
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 27.238
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.622
Commits in the past year: 262
Committers in the past year: 6
Bot Commits in the past year: 0
Bot Committers in the past year: 0
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 43.667
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.611

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Aleksey Usatov u****y@g****m 649
Poulad p****d@g****m 286
karb0f0s 1****s 207
Robin Müller r****r@o****e 166
Wizou 1****u 98
Miha Zupan m****1@g****m 63
karb0f0s c****0@y****u 45
Aleksey Usatov 1****n 36
Sinys a****s@g****m 31
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 26
Olfi01 f****m@m****e 12
Aleksey Usatov m****e@u****m 9
Cat42 b****k@g****m 9
Fabio Di Peri f****i@o****m 6
Poulad p****d 4
antkon a****v@g****m 4
Arne Kiesewetter b****6@g****t 3
Slava Trenogin s****n@j****m 3
Thomas Freudenberg i****o@t****m 3
u_m09ad s****r@a****u 3
vova-lantsov-dev v****e@g****m 3
Andrey Startsev a****v@w****u 2
Cristian Torras c****s@g****m 2
Jannis s****s@g****m 2
Yan Ivan Evdokimov j****s@g****m 2
a-stankevich-parc a****h@p****g 2
Sergey 3****t 2
Péter Bozsó 3****o 2
MohammadReza 4****a 2
Mhamad Rachini M****I@H****M 1
Matthias Husinsky m****y@f****t 1
Martijn Verbakel m****l@g****m 1
Justin Mangum p****9@g****m 1
Fabio Di Peri f****o@k****v 1
Poulad Ashrafpour 1****d 1
rgbweb r****b 1
Aleksey Usatov T****n 1
AK y****u@e****m 1
Dragonsangel l****d@g****m 1
Dmytro b****k@b****t 1
Dibs D****z@g****m 1
Dario Emerson Di Sante d****e@d****h 1
Daniyar Alpyspayev d****v@y****m 1
Backs r****y@g****m 1
André Bires Fonseca (Takenet) a****b@t****r 1
Andrew Rybalko r****y@g****m 1
Хализев Михаил (Khalizev_ME) K****E@d****u 1
Дмитрий w****9@g****m 1
spaceorc s****c@s****u 1
mohammad sohrablou s****u@g****m 1
kolesnikov-sv k****d@g****m 1
adebisi-fa-hp a****a@l****m 1
a-a-k a****y@g****m 1
Wizou W****u@L****p 1
Truil i****v@g****m 1
Roman Buldygin f****s@g****m 1
Roman b****o@m****u 1
Rodrigo Diaz r****o@g****m 1
Patrick Amrein p****x@s****h 1
Olgabrezel l****4@g****m 1
Oleksandr Povar z****1@g****m 1
MikhailMerkulov m****v@g****m 1
Mikhail Merkulov m****v@l****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Aleksey Usatov u****y@g****m 102
Wizou 1****u 98
karb0f0s 1****s 54
Aleksey Usatov 1****n 5
Fedorus a****s@g****m 2
Wizou W****u@L****p 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.