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GitHub / PyCQA/doc8 committers
Last synced: 4 months ago
Total Commits: 231
Total Committers: 46
Total Bot Commits: 20
Total Bot Committers: 2
Avg Commits per committer: 5.022
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.745
Total Committers: 46
Total Bot Commits: 20
Total Bot Committers: 2
Avg Commits per committer: 5.022
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.745
Commits in the past year: 7
Committers in the past year: 4
Bot Commits in the past year: 5
Bot Committers in the past year: 2
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 1.75
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.571
Committers in the past year: 4
Bot Commits in the past year: 5
Bot Committers in the past year: 2
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 1.75
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.571
More repo stats:
Name | Commits | |
Joshua Harlow | h****a@y****m | 59 |
Joshua Harlow | h****a@g****m | 40 |
Sorin Sbarnea | s****a@r****m | 39 |
pre-commit-ci[bot] 🤖 | 6****] | 15 |
Stephen Finucane | s****n@t****u | 14 |
Christian Berendt | b****t@b****e | 12 |
dependabot[bot] 🤖 | 4****] | 5 |
Alex Gaynor | a****r@g****m | 3 |
Julien Danjou | j****n@d****o | 3 |
Richard Terry | g****t@r****t | 3 |
Andreas Jaeger | a****j@s****m | 2 |
Jeremy Stanley | f****i@y****g | 2 |
Daniel Watkins | d****l@d****k | 1 |
Andreas Jaeger | a****j@s****e | 1 |
Matt Smith | 4****t | 1 |
Rambaud Pierrick | 1****u | 1 |
kasium | 1****m | 1 |
sdelliot | s****t | 1 |
swaldhoer | 3****r | 1 |
Greg Miller | 4****r | 1 |
Felix Hildén | f****n@g****m | 1 |
Eric | e****d | 1 |
Christian Clauss | c****s@m****m | 1 |
JakobDev | j****v@g****e | 1 |
Janonymous | j****e@g****m | 1 |
Jarek Zgoda | j****a@g****m | 1 |
John L. Villalovos | j****s@i****m | 1 |
KATO Tomoyuki | k****i@j****m | 1 |
Markus Piotrowski | M****i@r****e | 1 |
Michał Górny | m****y@g****g | 1 |
Mike Fiedler | m****n@g****m | 1 |
Monty Taylor | m****d@i****m | 1 |
Ned Batchelder | n****d@n****m | 1 |
Niraj Tolia | n****a@k****o | 1 |
Ondřej Nový | o****y@f****z | 1 |
Peter Cock | p****k@g****m | 1 |
Philipp A | f****p@w****e | 1 |
Sam Stoelinga | s****l@g****m | 1 |
Sylvain Bellemare | s****m@g****m | 1 |
q-wertz | c****r@w****e | 1 |
reedip | r****e@n****n | 1 |
venkatamahesh | v****a@g****m | 1 |
Ivan A. Melnikov | i****v@a****g | 1 |
Francis Charette-Migneault | f****t@g****m | 1 |
Doug Hellmann | d****g@d****m | 1 |
Dependent Types | d****s@g****m | 1 |
Excludes empty and merge commits.
Name | Commits | |
pre-commit-ci[bot] 🤖 | 6****] | 3 |
dependabot[bot] 🤖 | 4****] | 2 |
Francis Charette-Migneault | f****t@g****m | 1 |
q-wertz | c****r@w****e | 1 |
Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.