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GitHub / JuliaPOMDP/POMDPs.jl committers

Last synced: 3 months ago

Total Commits: 759
Total Committers: 40
Total Bot Commits: 13
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 18.975
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.523
Commits in the past year: 52
Committers in the past year: 15
Bot Commits in the past year: 3
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 3.467
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.673

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Zachary Sunberg s****h@g****m 362
Maxim Egorov m****v@g****m 159
Zachary Sunberg z****g@c****u 49
Zachary Sunberg s****m 42
MaximeBouton m****n@g****m 27
rejuvyesh m****l@r****m 24
github-actions[bot] 🤖 4****] 13
Edward Balaban e****n@s****u 10
ebalaban e****n 6
Tyler Becker 5****h 5
Nero Blackstone​ g****s@g****m 5
Hao Yi Ong h****i@s****u 5
Shushman s****y@g****m 4
Andrew Keith k****j@g****m 4
Dylan Asmar 9****r 4
dressel l****l@g****m 3
Tim Wheeler w****t@s****u 3
Dylan Asmar a****r@s****u 3
felixmg312 9****2 3
Tim Wheeler t****r 2
Maxime M****n 2
Lasse Peters l****s@m****g 2
Logan Kilpatrick l****6@g****u 2
Jan m****n@g****m 2
Jan m****1@f****z 2
Dominik Straub d****b@y****m 2
Alex Bork a****k@c****e 1
Alexander k****v@i****u 1
Deyan Dyankov d****n@d****e 1
potatoboiler 6****r 1
johannes-fischer 4****r 1
iambored 5****9 1
Tony Kelman t****y@k****t 1
Koundinya Vajjha 1****y 1
Julia TagBot 5****t 1
Dooyoung Kim d****7@k****r 1
Fred Callaway f****c@l****m 1
Johannes Fischer j****r@k****u 1
Michael Hatherly m****y@g****m 1
Robert Moss r****2@g****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Zachary Sunberg s****h@g****m 17
Zachary Sunberg z****g@c****u 7
Dylan Asmar 9****r 4
Tyler Becker 5****h 4
Dylan Asmar a****r@s****u 3
Nero Blackstone​ g****s@g****m 3
felixmg312 9****2 3
github-actions[bot] 🤖 4****] 3
Jan m****1@f****z 2
Dooyoung Kim d****7@k****r 1
Jan m****n@g****m 1
Johannes Fischer j****r@k****u 1
lassepe l****s@m****g 1
iambored 5****9 1
johannes-fischer 4****r 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.