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GitHub / JuliaGeo/LibGEOS.jl committers

Last synced: about 1 year ago

Total Commits: 259
Total Committers: 24
Total Bot Commits: 3
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 10.792
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.548

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Martijn Visser m****r@g****m 117
Yeesian Ng n****n@g****m 58
mathieu17g 7****g@u****m 15
jaakkor2 j****2@u****m 13
Jan Weidner j****6@g****m 8
Maarten Pronk g****t@e****l 7
Maarten Pronk e****n@u****m 6
Nicolas Raynaud g****b@n****m 5
Sean Garborg s****g@g****m 4
melonedo 4****o@u****m 3
Skylar A Gering s****g@g****m 3
github-actions[bot] 🤖 4****]@u****m 3
Nicolas Raynaud n****d@g****m 3
Omri Bahat Treidel o****l@r****u 3
Fabian Gans f****s@g****e 2
Fabian Gans f****s@b****e 1
Felix Cremer f****r@u****e 1
Omri Treidel t****2@g****m 1
SimonDanisch s****h@g****m 1
Elliot Saba s****t@g****m 1
Tony Kelman t****y@k****t 1
Julia TagBot 5****t@u****m 1
Skylar A Gering s****g@g****u 1
Max Freudenberg 6****u@u****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

This repository has not had the past years commits calculated yet. This may take a few minutes.