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GitHub / Byron/gitoxide committers

Last synced: 4 months ago

Total Commits: 11,850
Total Committers: 126
Total Bot Commits: 23
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 94.048
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.09
Commits in the past year: 1,412
Committers in the past year: 54
Bot Commits in the past year: 1
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 26.148
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.273

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Sebastian Thiel s****l@i****m 10779
Edward Shen c****e@e****h 147
Svetlin Stefanov s****v@g****m 119
Sidney Douw s****w@g****e 117
Eliah Kagan d****e@g****m 75
Ed Page e****e@g****m 74
Jiahao XU J****U@o****m 49
Niklas Wimmer m****l@n****e 39
Conor Davis g****e@c****m 32
Casper Beyer c****b@p****e 28
Pascal Kuthe p****e@s****e 26
Nathaniel Brough n****h@g****m 25
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 23
David Knaack d****a 22
Martin von Zweigbergk m****z@g****m 16
Peter Grayson p****e@j****t 15
Alex Zepeda g****b@i****m 14
Benedikt Mandelkow b****w@r****e 13
Josh Triplett j****h@j****g 13
Paul Young 8****g 10
Alexis (Poliorcetics) Bourget a****t@g****m 10
Tommy Yu y****@m****m 10
Yuri Astrakhan Y****n@g****m 7
Paul Belt p****m 7
Axel H n****e@g****m 6
Bittrance b****e@g****m 6
Sarah Allen s****h@u****m 6
Aratrik Pal a****l@g****m 5
Urgau u****u@n****r 5
Kim Altintop k****m@e****t 4
Shaun Hamilton s****0@g****m 4
Will Stott w****1@g****m 4
Jake Shadle j****e@e****m 4
Daniel Levin d****7@g****m 4
Benjamin Beckwith b****h@g****m 4
Alexis (Poliorcetics) Bourget a****b@p****u 4
Alexander Kjäll a****l@g****m 3
Alik Aslanyan i****0@p****m 3
Jan Mazur m****r@f****m 3
JoeST j****e@f****t 3
Paul Delafosse p****e@p****m 3
blinxen h****1@h****m 3
Øystein Walle o****a@g****m 3
kas e****s 3
Abdullah Alyan A****n@y****m 3
Manish Goregaokar m****l@g****m 2
Nerixyz n****v@o****e 2
Sven Assmann s****t@g****m 2
Lioness100 j****2@g****m 2
Kornel k****l@g****t 2
JP Sugarbroad t****x@g****m 2
Utkarsh Gupta u****7@g****m 2
Xavier Morel x****o@o****m 2
sbatial m****l@k****m 2
Viktor Szépe v****r@s****t 2
Kevin DeLorey 2****y 2
Constantin Nickel c****l@g****m 2
Cameron Esfahani c****i@g****m 2
Caio c****t@c****o 2
Anthony Sottile a****e@u****u 2
Pierre Chevalier p****3@g****m 2
Isaiah Norton i****n 1
Kian-Meng Ang k****g@c****g 1
Kid 4****g 1
Leo Lin w****8@g****m 1
zaurask 2****k 1
GreeFine r****l@b****o 1
Frank Elsinga f****k@e****e 1
Fintan Halpenny f****y@g****m 1
Demir Yerli m****f@p****m 1
Darkhan Kubigenov d****u@g****m 1
Christoph Herzog c****s@t****t 1
Charlie Moog m****e@g****m 1
Cameron Esfahani c****i@r****m 1
BlackHoleFox b****v@g****m 1
Bahtiar `kalkin` Gadimov b****r@g****e 1
Artem Vorotnikov a****m@v****e 1
Khushraj Rathod k****d@g****m 1
Jonathan LEI m****e@x****v 1
Joel Parker Henderson j****l@j****m 1
Jeff Parsons j****f@p****o 1
Jan Christian Grünhage j****n@g****z 1
Jalil David Salamé Messina j****e@g****m 1
Jakub Jirutka j****b@j****z 1
StandingPad 7****s 1
akabinds 7****s 1
kryptan k****n 1
precondition 5****n 1
roland-rollo 4****o 1
David Legrand 1****d 1
Diana 5****s 1
Fabio Valentini d****e@g****m 1
Harry Saunders 3****4 1
Spenser Black s****1@g****m 1
Simon Sawert s****n@s****e 1
Samuel Thibault s****t@e****g 1
Ryan Zoeller r****r@r****m 1
Ryan Shea r****n@s****o 1
Ryan Devenney r****y@g****m 1
Qiu Chaofan q****f@e****m 1
Peter Hebden p****6@g****m 1
Parker Timmerman p****r@p****m 1
Olivier FAURE c****u@g****m 1
Matthew Maurer m****r@g****m 1
Mateusz Mikuła m****5@g****m 1
Martin Fischer m****n@p****m 1
Mari g****t@c****h 1
Lewis Cowper l****s@l****m 1
Abdullah Alyan u****n 1
Andrew Hickman a****1@s****m 1
Andrea Frigido a****a@f****t 1
Anders Qvist a****t@x****e 1
Alexander van Trijffel a****r@s****s 1
Aditya Alok d****k@g****m 1
rsdy p****@s****v 1
phancb n****u@q****m 1
paq 8****u@g****m 1
eatradish s****y@a****o 1
avoidalone w****g@o****m 1
Yuya Nishihara y****a@t****g 1
Weihang Lo m****e@w****w 1
Tshepang Lekhonkhobe t****g@g****m 1
ToBinio t****1@g****m 1
Tim Vilgot Mikael Fredenberg v****g@p****e 1
Thomas Letan l****s@s****e 1
5225225 5****5@m****g 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Sebastian Thiel s****l@i****m 1027
Eliah Kagan d****e@g****m 75
Ed Page e****e@g****m 74
Jiahao XU J****U@o****m 48
Niklas Wimmer m****l@n****e 39
Nathaniel Brough n****h@g****m 22
Martin von Zweigbergk m****z@g****m 16
Benedikt Mandelkow b****w@r****e 13
Tommy Yu y****@m****m 10
Paul Belt p****m 7
Bittrance b****e@g****m 6
Josh Triplett j****h@j****g 5
Urgau u****u@n****r 5
Shaun Hamilton s****0@g****m 4
Jake Shadle j****e@e****m 4
Alexis (Poliorcetics) Bourget a****b@p****u 4
Alexander Kjäll a****l@g****m 3
JoeST j****e@f****t 3
Øystein Walle o****a@g****m 3
Abdullah Alyan A****n@y****m 3
Caio c****t@c****o 2
Cameron Esfahani c****i@g****m 2
Viktor Szépe v****r@s****t 2
Kevin DeLorey 2****y 2
Kornel k****l@g****t 2
Manish Goregaokar m****l@g****m 2
sbatial m****l@k****m 2
Jan Christian Grünhage j****n@g****z 1
Jalil David Salamé Messina j****e@g****m 1
Frank Elsinga f****k@e****e 1
Darkhan Kubigenov d****u@g****m 1
Cameron Esfahani c****i@r****m 1
Andrea Frigido a****a@f****t 1
David Legrand 1****d 1
Diana 5****s 1
Fabio Valentini d****e@g****m 1
Leo Lin w****8@g****m 1
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****] 1
zaurask 2****k 1
Alexander van Trijffel a****r@s****s 1
Abdullah Alyan u****n 1
Lewis Cowper l****s@l****m 1
Martin Fischer m****n@p****m 1
Mateusz Mikuła m****5@g****m 1
Matthew Maurer m****r@g****m 1
Qiu Chaofan q****f@e****m 1
Samuel Thibault s****t@e****g 1
ToBinio t****1@g****m 1
Weihang Lo m****e@w****w 1
Yuya Nishihara y****a@t****g 1
avoidalone w****g@o****m 1
blinxen h****1@h****m 1
phancb n****u@q****m 1
rsdy p****@s****v 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.