
An open API service providing commit metadata for open source projects. / jbehave/jbehave-core committers

Last synced: 3 months ago

Total Commits: 2,889
Total Committers: 94
Total Bot Commits: 2
Total Bot Committers: 1
Avg Commits per committer: 30.734
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.368
Commits in the past year: 82
Committers in the past year: 5
Bot Commits in the past year: 1
Bot Committers in the past year: 1
Avg Commits per committer in the past year: 16.4
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in the past year: 0.085

More repo stats:

Name Email Commits
Mauro Talevi m****i@a****g 1827
Valery Yatsynovich v****h@e****m 364
Paul Hammant p****l@h****g 208
Valery Yatsynovich v****t@y****u 131
Uladzislau Arlouski u****i@g****m 49
Alex Lehmann a****m@g****m 36
Adriano Bonat a****b@g****m 28
Rafael Jimenez r****n@g****m 23
mauro m****o@d****7 20
Cristiano Gavião c****o@g****m 16
Daniel Godfrey d****y@g****m 14
Uladzislau Arlouski u****i@e****m 14
maggandalf m****f@h****m 9
Valery Yatsynovich V****h@e****m 7
Ivan Kalinin i****1@e****m 6
Gilles Scokart g****t@g****m 5
Simon Zambrovski s****i@h****e 5
Aaron Walker a****r@b****m 4
Brian Repko b****o@l****m 4
Ievgen Degtiarenko g****r@g****m 4
Larry Shatzer, Jr l****s@g****m 4
draker94 5****4@u****m 4
irko k****o@g****m 4
wheleph w****h@g****m 4
jangalinski j****i@h****e 3
Alberto Scotto s****6@g****m 3
Andrei Kliuchnikau a****u@e****m 3
Ivan Lednev b****0@g****m 3
paul p****l@d****7 3
plascano p****o@i****r 3
Tomasz t****s@a****l 2
Alena Budevich b****a@g****m 2
Brian Saylor b****r@s****m 2
Christopher Aguirre c****1@g****m 2
Emiliano Zilocchi e****i@g****m 2
Illia Skapchuk I****k@e****m 2
Ivan Kalinin i****1@i****m 2
Jaroslav Sedlacek k****z@g****m 2
PpAaLlMmEeRr c****o@h****m 2
Ruslan Suleymanov r****2@g****m 2
Slavo s****k@u****m 2
Dzmitry Targonsky d****y@g****m 2
Srinivasan s****n@g****m 2
Tatsiana_Luchonak T****k@e****m 2
Yauheni_Barvinski Y****i@e****m 2
aparkinson a****n@a****p 2
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****]@u****m 2
tridexnet t****t@u****m 1
Aliona Budzevich a****h@e****m 1
Anastasiya Novikava a****a@g****m 1
Andreas Ebbert-Karroum a****s@k****e 1
Berry Holtrust B****t@t****l 1
Brent Barker b****9@g****m 1
ByronLudwig b****g@g****m 1
Dennis Homann d****n@c****m 1
Eric Smalling E****g@w****m 1
Francisco A. Lozano f****o@g****m 1
Gazal m****l@g****m 1
Ghislain Nadeau g****u@h****m 1
James Shaw j****2@z****t 1
Jeff Caswell J****l@w****m 1
Jeremie Huchet j****e@d****r 1
Marcelo Tocchetto m****o@g****m 1
Michal Bocek m****k@e****z 1
Mohsen Hariri m****i@i****m 1
Onkar Joshi 8****i@u****m 1
Peter Lynch p****r@p****a 1
Peter Lynch p****h@s****m 1
Piotrek Żygieło p****o@u****m 1
Rafael Jimenez r****z@r****s 1
Alena Karnievich k****a@g****m 1
Rui Figueira r****a@g****m 1
Tatsiana Luchonak t****k@e****m 1
Tatsiana Peratrukhina t****a@g****m 1
Thomas Hug T****g@c****m 1
Ulyana Yeryksonava o****5@m****u 1
Victor Rosenberg v****g@h****m 1
Vitali Lebedzeu v****u@o****m 1
Wojtek Erbetowski w****k@e****l 1
Zoltán Gál o****0@g****m 1
abudevich 3****h@u****m 1
borispavlovic b****c@g****m 1
christ66 s****8@g****m 1
codespelunker r****n@p****m 1
essobedo n****o@u****m 1
hdu-hh h****u@a****g 1
irko i****o@g****k 1
j-denboer j****r@t****m 1
jjaalino j****a@g****m 1
lnagy82 l****2@g****m 1
naveenk007 n****r@i****n 1
rszabi r****s@g****m 1
tizki ko t****o@g****m 1
Rodrigo Quesada r****v@g****m 1

Excludes empty and merge commits.

Name Email Commits
Valery Yatsynovich v****h@e****m 75
Mauro Talevi m****i@a****g 4
Piotrek Żygieło p****o@u****m 1
dependabot[bot] 🤖 4****]@u****m 1
draker94 5****4@u****m 1

Committers in the past year are calculated by looking at the last 365 days of commits. Excludes empty and merge commits.